0.3 Why can't I know your name

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Dear He who must not be named,

First off, seriously. VOLDEMORT!! Why him out of all people?!

Anyways, I've told you my name so why can't you tell me yours, cause your name can't simply be Tom Riddle?

How do you know we will "become good friends" when I don't even know you?

Also!!! Obviously you were going to put it on the side of the washer, if someone was bored I said to!

P.s. No! I did not have a good week, I found out I'm failing a class, so I need to find a tutor. I blame it all on you Volde!

P.P.S. I decided to call you Volde since you won't tell me your name!

Brooke xx


Author's Note: Please remember to vote and comment so I know you like this story :) Also calling out to all the potterheads, anyone out there?

Washer notes//  Ashton Irwin AUWhere stories live. Discover now