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Dear Volde,

I am sadly and embarrassingly failing Spanish. It's just I don't get it and ugh while everyone could pronounce everything right I'm here suffering and it's just annoying. 

I don't know man, I don't think anyone will be able to help tutor me. I'm unteachable.

Okay here's a question, what's your favorite type of music and band?

Personally I really like alternative and indie music. Also I have way to many favorites, but I really love The Lumineers, The Kooks and All Time Low! 

OOO also since I'm guessing you like Harry Potter, what house would you be placed in? I think I would be in Slytherin!

P.s.  You wouldn't believe what happened to me in school today! I was in gym class and we had to run right? Well this boy, stepped on my shoe while I was running so I tripped and he didn't even apologize!

Okay peace out girl scout,

Brooke xxx


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Okay so I apologize for not posting for like a month(?) I thought nobody read this story so it wouldn't matter but anyways Happy early Halloween, hope you have a spoopy one! 

Also sorry this is short but I just don't feel good :(

Also I am going on a long trip in November on the 10th through the 26th so I might not post then but I will try! Okay ima go but pls PLS remember to..

Like, Comment and Vote it really helps me!

Till next time guys <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 29, 2016 ⏰

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