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Dear Brooke,

Yes Voldemort, he is a very important character and just needs to be loved!

 Also, I won't tell you my name because simply I don't wanna.

I just know we are gonna be good friends, truustt mee. You wanna know why? It's because I can tell you are a sassy, stunning girl.

I'm sorry I didn't know what to say!! Also I guess I apologize that you had a bad week? What class are you failing maybe I can help you! :-)

p.s. let's get to know each other by asking questions yeah?

Alright I'll talk to you soon

He who should not be named  xx


AUTHOR'S NOTE: Guys I went to SLFL Mountain View and it was amazing!!! They were all amazing as usual along with Hey Violet & Roy English and my beans made my night even though I felt like I was gonna pass out during the concert. Plus after the concert I met Roy English who was so sweet, he even let me ride his scooter! 

Also I'm sorry I haven't been posting but i've been sick/still am and school is taking up all my time tbh. But I am trying if anyone actually cares about this story.. 

Also please  p l e a s e  LIKE, COMMENT and VOTE this story it helps me out a lot!!

Washer notes//  Ashton Irwin AUWhere stories live. Discover now