Chapter Twenty-One

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The chilly spring breeze blows through my flimsy pajama pants and light sweater. Strings of my brown hair fall out of my ponytail, but I can't take my eyes off of what's – who's in front of me. My mouth is open and I could've sworn a mosquito almost went in. I regain my senses and close my mouth and stand straighter.

Madam Jong is standing in front of me.

She is dressed in a dark green dress and holds a black coat to herself. Her dark hair is in a tight bun, and her eyes are staring straight into me. She has a warm smile on her face, despite her cold aura. Behind her, there is a black –surely expensive – car with two men dressed in black standing by. They must be her bodyguards. She is the queen of the Asian market, a very important business partner to Ross. I think back to the night I met her at Ross's birthday bash. She seemed to like me...I think. Then a thought strikes me. That means I have to act like Lee's girlfriend again.

"Madam Jong," I whisper. I cough, clearing my voice. "What're you doing here?" Maybe that seemed a bit rude to ask so abruptly.

"Laura," she smiles, wrinkles appearing on her clear complexion. "Well, aren't you going to invite me in?"

For a minute, I just stare at her before realizing what she had just said. Immediately, I move out of the way and allow her to enter. When she passes by, she smells faintly of a floral perfume. I look outside again. Her bodyguards are still as statues, exactly where they were before. Are they going to come in too?

"Don't worry about them," Madam Jong calls. I turn to face her. She's smiling at me. "I have ordered them to wait outside – which took a lot of effort because they thought I was going to get assassinated inside." She chuckles softly. "You can close the door." I nod, feeling bad for letting them just stay outside in the dark, cold night.

Madam Jong takes a seat on the couch. She looks to Ross and Zac. "Zac, dear, why are you half-naked? Get some decency, child. Put clothes on."

Contrary to her orders, Zac grins and just attacks Madam Jong into a big bear hug. It looks like he's squeezing the life out of her, but she just slaps his back and yells to get off of her. Even though she's refusing his hug, she has a faint smile on her face. Wait a they know each other?

"I missed you too, grandma Jong!" Zac chirps, still hugging her.

"Get off, Zac! Learn your manners!" she yells back, slapping him.

"You love me anyway!"

"Get off, you rude boy."

Zac finally lets go, the grin never leaving his face, and quickly runs upstairs and returns in seconds with a gray shirt on. He takes a seat beside me, across Madam Jong. Ross looks a bit flustered since he's not wearing his suit in front of Madam Jong. This must be the first time he's ever been unprepared. It's quite hilarious watching him trying to keep himself professional even though he's in pajamas.

"So," I say, "Madam Jong, what brings you here?"

A sympathetic look passes upon her face. "Why, Zac has told me what has happened and since you are like my own daughter, I couldn't help not coming." She gets up and takes a seat beside me before she envelops me in a hug. I'm in shock, but I don't even have time to respond. "Are you okay, Laura?"

Well, considering my mother is in the hospital on the brink of life and death, certainly not. But Joel is here, I have – almost – two friends who are with me, and now I have Madam Jong supporting me. I guess it's not all too bad. "I'm fine," I answer, hugging her back. She smells like a grandma. I've never really had a grandmother in my entire life, so holding her is comforting.

"I knew she would make you feel better," Zac says, genuinely smiling from the corner of my eye. "Nobody's better than grandma Jong."

Madam Jong pulls back, but still holds my hands in hers. "Wait, you're Madam Jong's grandson?" I ask. Zac didn't really look Asian, but maybe he was mixed or something.

started with a lie ➳ raura revisedWhere stories live. Discover now