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Our first night in our new home was peaceful. Brendon and I both laid around without a care in the world. We wanted to rest so we didn't even speak most of the time, we sat on the couch together until the mattress got to our apartment.

Around nine o'clock we settled down into our bed and fell asleep. Or at least I had.

Not even an hour later I hear Brendon struggling to breath. I look at his face and see tears streaming down his face. I immediately turn the lamp laying on the floor on and sit him up so I can face him.

"Bren, what's wrong?" I frown at his face.

"I-I need to tell my parents. Now. I feel like I'm lying even while I'm far away and it's-" He struggles to catch his breath.

"It's okay. You don't need to give me an explanation. We can call whenever you want." He nods with a sniffle.

"Tomorrow morning. I just want to lay for a while." He says after finally getting a steady breath.

"Do you want to cuddle?" It sounds weird coming out of my mouth but it doesn't sound like a bad idea. Brendon shows me that he agrees by nodding quickly.

He lays back down on his side and I lean to turn off the light before wrapping my arms around him.

"I love you. No matter what happens." I tell him truthfully and kiss his cheek.

"I love you." He whispers. That was the last thing he said before dozing off.


I wake up before Brendon to grab him a coffee. I walk down the street and stand in the line of a  small coffee shop.

I open the door quietly when I get back but Brendon still stirs. "Morning Bren. I got you some coffee." He sits up and stretches.

"What time is it?" He says with a deep groggy voice. I check my phone to check the time and see we both slept in until noon.

"It's almost one right now."

"Let's call them." He says with determination. I raise my eyebrows at the assurance he had. I walk to the bed and hand him a coffee as he gets his phone off of the floor next to him.

He hits a number on his speed-dial that calls his mom. It takes not even one ring before the line picks up.

"Hey Brendon! You guys made it safe?"

"Uh, yeah. Yeah we did. Listen mom, is dad there?" He trips over his words.

"Yeah we're both here." She says positively.

"Okay, I need to tell you both something, so you might want to put it- put the phone on speaker." He stutters again and I sense his nervousness. I put my hand on his to assure him that everything will be okay.

"You're on speaker, what's up?" Brendon takes a shaky breath.

"I've been afraid to tell you this for a while and I'm surprised that you haven't found out from someone from the church." He prefaces.

"Just tell us, Brendon." A deeper voice says in the background.

"I'm gay. Ryan and I are together. We've been together for a few months. I waited to tell you because I was afraid you would kick me out but now it's too la-"

"Brendon, you know the bible says against that." Brendon's dad says with an instructing voice.

"I know the bible says against it, but I can't help-"

"But if you're happy, that's all that matters." Brendon's mother cuts in with a sigh.

"R-really?" Brendon says. I squeeze his hand and smile at him.

"Yes. And you tell Ryan that as well because we trust him." Brendon's dad adds. I nod to myself.

"Thank you guys for everything- for accepting me." Brendon's shaky voice changes from nerves to tears.

"We accept whatever makes you happy. We may think it's wrong but if that's who you are then we still love you." I cringe because I know Brendon doesn't want to hear that it's not okay. He wants to hear that it's okay and that they understand. But Brendon knows that that's the best he can get out of his religious family for now.

Brendon nods slowly with tears falling slowly down his face. The relief is visible on his expression.

"We'll talk again soon, okay?" Brendon's mom says sweetly. "We love you."

"I love you too." Brendon says weakly before hanging up. He drops his phone and attacks me with a hard hug.

"I'm so proud of you Brendon." I rub his back as he screams excitedly into my shoulder.

"I'm so relieved. I'm just glad I could say it, even if they hated me and never wanted to speak again, I would have been completely okay because now I'm completely free. I'm not a prisoner to my lies anymore." He exhales deeply as if letting a heavy burden fall off of his shoulders.

It was like everything- and I mean everything- was truly one hundred percent okay. There was nothing that could have made that moment any better. Besides food, maybe.

"Holy shit! I'm so fucking gay!" Brendon screams. I roll my eyes and shush him.

"People are gonna think we're having sex." I whisper.

"That's not a bad idea." Brendon says suggestively.

"No it is definitely not." I smirk and Brendon attacks my neck with kisses.

I was wrong. It got better.


After Brendon and I finished having our fun I took a shower and I got ready to go to my first day at my jobs.

"Maybe I'll go with you. I have all summer to do nothing, maybe I'll work at Taco Bell with you." Brendon suggests with a laugh.

"You could apply. Then we could both be making money." I shrug.

"Wait I just realized, you're only twenty, how are you allowed to work in the bar?"

"I'm just going to be like waiter or a bus boy for the tables probably." I explain.

"Well that's good, then you can get tips from drunk people who can't count. You could get like twenty bucks in one tip from one wasted guy." Brendon laughs.

-a/n: and brendon is finally out of the closet i mean damn took him long enough. yall,,, I have a problem. skam is fucking me up I've rewatched season three probably three times. ((this is present me hello have a happy easter/ non celebratory sunday. i wasn't planning on publishing for the rest of april but i wanted to wish you a happy easter. love youuu)

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