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After a few weeks, the Super Six had managed to completely wipe out seven thousand soldiers without getting hurt, but of course, small scratches or injuries were be made. Meanwhile, Adu Du had Probe had taken down a hundred soldiers, which is quite good for fighters like them. They had all also managed to get an A on every core of fighting they have, and so Astor said it was time to return back to Earth. 

"Earth? It seems so far away now..." Gopal said lazily, in the common room on the day before they were about to leave.

"Astor once told us that there are expected of two million plus alien soldiers," Fang said.

"Yeah, and we've only so far wiped out seven thousand! It's a long way to go..." said Ying.

"We still got our military soldiers, right? And I heard that citizens of all the countries are making a rebel team to fight along with us," Boboiboy said, hopefully cheering them up.

" you think we will survive this?" Yaya asked doubtfully.

"Don't say that!" Gopal wailed, closing his ears.

Ying's face was wet now with newly leaked tears. "If that's so," she choked. "Can we take a walk together? Just down the street, or in a mall or something?"

"That's dangerous!" Gopal said, shaking his head in disbelieve that the idea came from such a genius. "Remember when we came here we were already nearly caught? I'm not risking it."

"Not to offend you, but Gopal's right, Ying," Fang said unexpectedly, walking up to her and wrapping his arms around her shoulder. "Maybe we can settle this down with Astor?"

"Great idea!" Yaya said joyfully. "I'll go ask him."

Everyone was pleased when Astor told them that they could go out, but under disguises of aliens. They had been staying in the hideout for five weeks of training, and can finally get some fresh air.

They walked happily to the alien beach with Astor following in their wake. They sat down on the soft grains of sand, watching the golden yolk in the sky that was the sun sink through the ocean, whilst making the sky a beautiful shade of orange and pink.

"I'm still worried whether we will survive. What if we don't?" Yaya asked, after a mere silence of staring at the sinking sun, which took an incredibly long time to sink even a centimetre.

"We will make it. I am sure we will," Astor said.

Boboiboy stood up.

"You guys are all wrong," he said quietly. "We shouldn't give up, or think that we should. These aliens are our enemies from the start! We've beaten up Adu Du-"

"He is dumber than the other aliens, you know," Fang stated.

"-and the Anglogets! We defeated all types of trouble, no matter how big or small they were. Look how long we've gone! The path to becoming the protector of Earth, we can't stop now! We've received help on the way, and that's why I am confident this time they will help too! Even if they don't, we will still win this battle. It's just the beginning."

"He's right. We've come a long way, we shouldn't stop now," said Astor, standing beside Boboiboy too.

Everyone stared back uneasily at the two siblings. 

"C'mon, what are we heroes for, eh?" Astor barked.

This made Fang, Ying, Yaya and Gopal look at each other and smile. They stood up too, and joined Astor and Boboiboy in a group hug and faced the sun till none could be seen.

The days were up. Hours from now, they would be fighting, fight till the death. The first thing in the morning they received was breakfast, and then a power up from both Ochobot and Alxebot. When Ochobot had regained his energy, they teleported back to Earth, and was welcomed by the sight of the Super Six building surrounded by the seven Landlords. 

"Why-won't-it-budge!" Ferato yelled, each word with a blow on the stiff glass door, which remained as normal as it was.

Lily was shaking her head, looking very frustrated.

"It won't open. I'm telling you that," Lou Shiu spat, and she turned on her heels and marched blindly into Astor.

"Can't you see where you're- oh. Astor. Welcome back," she said hesitantly.

"Hi," Astor replied, eyes not on her, but on the other Landlords who were still gathered around the glass door. "What brings you all here?"

"You've been gone quite a time, sir, and we were worried, there isn't much time left!" Kenya cried.

"We still have some time. Return to your homelands now. The battle's about to start."

Boboiboy Heroes: Destruction (BOOK 5)Where stories live. Discover now