Cinder rises

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The soul of cinder is a powerful warrior for he is the amalgamation of all those who linked the fire and carries all there power.

To name a few there's Yohrm the giant in which he gained his strength and durability. the reason Yohrm burned was for his city but it didn't work and all that he ruled burned with him.

Then ludeth a small man who linked the fire to become a giant but it cost him his legs and now can't even fight.

Aldritch sought power to face his fears and to gain his own age the deep from him I learned sorcery and can learn more also pyromancy he lost nothing but his enjoyment.

The abyss watchers followers of wolf blood their idol artorias one of my four knights I learned more swords play and great speed they though were already destroyed by the abyss and were corrupted and doomed to fail.

The last one was the unkindled who brought all the powers even the lothric twin prince's and. I learned more from them teleportation miracles and everything needed to keep the flame lit.

I rise for the flame I rise for protection to my age of fire this age shall never end and I shall see to it even if I must sacrifice others to make it so. I grab my sword from the flame and leave the kiln to find powerful souls.

I use a bonfire to appear to the closest powerful soul and I appear in a desert with towers shaped weirdly but the soul is in there so I march towards it.

( second one is done hoped you liked and try to guess who the god cinders hunting is.)

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