The date. Chapter 7 (part 2)

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Summers POV

I don't know where I was being carried too. All I know it that I was in a euphoric state. I haven't had this much fun in forever. Harry switched my position and was now carrying me on his back. I took this opportunity to observe his features, picture them in my head again.p. His eyes were so different in the rain, almost jade. He had his concentration face on, I think. He bit his bottom lip and scrunched his eyebrows together. It must've been hard to navigate due to pouring early September rain. This isn't normal. Things this good don't happen in real life.

"Why are you doing this to me?" I whined.

"Oh be quiet, is spending time with me that horrible." He raised an eyebrow.

"Oh Gosh yes! It's like pulling teeth." I stretched a prideful smile.

He placed me to the ground gently. He crossed his arms and refused to glanced at me, he resembled a four year old. I know what he wanted me to do. Beg for his forgiveness. I sighed after standing there for at least fifteen whole seconds. I was defeated.

"Oh dear Harry, how could you ever forgive me for my unmannerly behaviour." I asked, artificial curtesy overflowing my voice.

"Hmmmmm, I have to think..." He walked back and forth tapping his chin.

"Oh! I know! How bout' a kiss." He winked in excitement.

I had to think for a second. How could you only know someone for a day and still have such an intense infatuation? I guess I was living a fan girls dream, besides the fact that he really isn't a celebrity. The old, sober me wouldn't have done it but I am in the presence of opportunity so why not. I gave him a tiny little kiss on the lips, just for a second to keep him wanting more.

"Your forgiven." We laced fingers as we continued our journey to our unknown destination.

"Almost there!" He cheered.

Just as we turned a corner, I saw a beautiful sight. On the cement ground there little pot whole. They were all around. They shot up water about 10 feet high. It was so pretty. There was light that reflected the water. It made it look like a calming purple. Harry stepped in the water and gave a slight bow.

"Can I have this dance m'lady. "

After I got over how cheesy this was, I slumped over as he got into our starting position. He held his hand out. His other hand was Resting on the small of my back. My hand rested on his strong shoulders. I felt so safe and protected in this moment of time. I could stay here forever. We waltzed around. Harry kept his posture, I couldn't help but break out on giggles. There was one moment where we stopped and just stared at each other. I grinned. He was just so beautiful. In the moment I finally returned to my reality. It was probably past three in the morning, it's raining like no tomorrow and I'm freezing. I shivered.

"Your cold." Harry stated in disappointment.

"Yeah, we should start heading back." I said responsibly, like the responsible person I am now.

'No! C'mon a little cold wont kill you." I saw a spark of hope arise in his emerald, jade eyes.

"Harry it's getting late. Lets go." I spoke a lot more seriously.

"Live a little summer." Oh, no. He's getting in his defensive mode.

"Fine, I'll walk." I walked away, being the stubborn person I was.

"Summer, stop." Harry commanded like he was god or something.

"No!" I shouted in response.

"Take one more step, and I promise you'll regret it." He demeaned.

The Giver (H.S) *in editing*Where stories live. Discover now