The Challenge. Chapter 15

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Lou's POV

I heard her slightly snoring on my lap. I wish I could see how she looked. I wish I could see her beauty. I know she's beautiful. I just wish I could see. I am the least materialistic guy out there, but I would give the world to see her eyes. Just here eyes. I have learned that all through life, everything is temporary. Whether it's sight,more looks, or character!,life is in constant change. Eyes don't. They are the same forever. I sighed. My hand found her hair. The texture was thick, curly and pretty soft.

"Marisa." I called out gently.


"What does Summer look like?" I asked hopefully.

I heard her slightly giggle.

"Uh, well, she has long, really curly light brown hair. She has hazelly, greenish eyes. They change colour with her mood and weather. For example, when she's mad, her eyes turn brown. When she's happy, they go more light hazel. When she's sad, or when she cries they turn green. She is I think about 5'7, so she's pretty tall. She was long legs that aren't that thin. But defiantly not chubby. Her belly is also thin..." She acted as if she finished.

"Go on!" I persisted.

She sighed.

"She's pretty chesty," she chuckled, as did I. "Her look isn't like a typical Hollister, girl. It's exotic, European. She has a longer face. Her nose is normal. Kinda big. Not noticeable. Yeah, that summer."

I had a picture drawn in my head. She was so beautiful. I was taken away fom my thoughts as my phone buzzed.

"Call from Harry." It chanted in a robotic tone.

I groaned before saying

"Answer." I placed the phone against the side f my head.

"This better be good, you prick." I spat over the phone.

"Where the hell is she." He spoke in a normal tone, the anger still completely obvious though.

"None of your f****** business ."

"Louis, I sear to God if you don't tell me, I will bash your head in." He growled.

I chuckled.

"Jealous she trusts me more."

"Remember she chose." He barked.

I glared, although both him and I could not see it.

"I'll get her , you watch." He hung up before I could speak back.

I pictured her once again. He wasn't going to hurt her, I won't let it happen.

Marisa's POV.

When we got home. Louis carried Summer to his room, with Zayns help. For a blind guy, he was really strong. I just saw Lou sitting, he was in deep, deep thought. He isn't himself, not since Summer begun dating Harry. It's like now that she's in a relationship, a part of Louis left him. I hated seeing him like this. I went upstairs to see Zayn. I jogged up the stairs and swung around on the railing. Opening the door slowly I saw him sound asleep. He was lying on his belly his arms circled around his head. I pranced over laying beside him gently. I lifed his arms so I could admire his sharp features. His eyes opened and he smile at me.

"Morning sleeping beauty." I teased.

He placed a kiss on my lips.

"Your amazing." He whispered in his hoarse morning voice.

It was hot. I felt the blush rising to my cheeks as I giggled uncomfortably. It makes me feel weird when people complement me. I'm not good at reacting to them, I feel as if always sound either extremely awkward or overly conceited.

"It's almost dinner." He stated.

I nodded.

"What do you want."

I shrugged as I hugged his torso. He wrapped his arms around me protectively and kissed my forehead sweetly.

"You know your not the bad boy you make yourself seem like." I murmured into his shirt that smelt like his Adidas cologne.

"Is that so." I heard him cock an eyebrow.

I looked up. He narrowed his eyebrows at me playfully.

"You're a sap and you know it. Your not even that strong" I challenged

Even though we were playing around I saw the competition flicker in his eyes. He nodded.

"how am I going to prove my manliness." He winked.

I thought. How could I make them lose. I scanned my brain for a hint of an idea. Summer played competitive soccer, she even traveled to Italy and Julia and I played soccer in our day, I bet since Mayah dances, she could play well. I smirked evilly.

"How about a soccer game. Me, Summer, Julia, And Mayah against you, Haz, Liam and Niall. No goalie, two forward, one midfield, and two defence." I sat up breaking any contact he had.

He laughed hysterically. I glared at him, I wasn't joking.

"Oh you're serious?" He wiped a tear of laughter.

I nodded crossing my arms.

"Well the boys and I are pretty good at football I must say. But alright. If we win, you guys have to do whatever w e want you guys to do for a week." He sneered.

"Deal, and bis versa." I stuck out my hand for him to shake it.

Oh, he was on.

"Now we have to get Summer and Harry to start talking again." He sighed

That's the hard part....


Lol, OMG the soccer game is going to be soo live. Like, I can't even. Golly I'm excited I hope the guys liked this chapter. I tried to make it a little bit longer. y'all's have a idea of the different types of relationships. Like for Harry and summer, It's like they get mad, but always make up and be cute. Niall and Julia are very huggy and like they are clinging to each other always. Liam and Mayah are like almost, awkward with each other. They are kinda awkward people, but they truly live each other. Zayn and Marisa are always going to challenge each other and fight for dominance. And Lou, well I can't tell you right now.....





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~Lenna XOXO <3

Love you

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