The Soccer Game. Chapter 17

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(Warning, this is a soccer chapter, not mandatory to read, but you should!)

Summers POV

Today was the big day, the soccer day. This is a big deal, I haven't played soccer in a really long time. I pulled on my old 390$ soccer cleats. They shaped to my foot perfectly. Our team colour was pink. So we wore pink shorts and pink sports bra. That's our mechanism. it's a distraction.I threw my curly hair in a ponytail. We all looked almost identical. Julia tapped her chin playfully. I knew that look, that's a risky look.

"I know how to complete our look." She whipped out her liquid eyeliner

She walked over to Mayah first, she drew a thick line underneath her eyes. She did the same to me and Marisa. Laughter erupted between us, we were ready to kick some ass. When we met the boys outside, they were all, wearing tank tops, since we didn't have jerseys. They eyed us with grins, so did we. Their biceps were like, huge. On our way there, I went in Zayns car with Liam, Mayah, Harry and I. Niall and Julia went together. I was informed that after Lou found out about Harry and I, we went home to visit family. I felt bad, he was there when I needed him most.

I looked at Mayah, she whispered into Liam's ear that we were gonna kick their asses. I laughed hysterically. Liam just nodded and smiled sarcastically. As we got there, I couldn't help but feel at home. I used live on the soccer field. I was there more than any other place. I saw the boys practising. They were actually good. I felt a bit nervous, but I was still confident.

We started by just passing the ball around. They we practises some scrimmages and then we were ready. Marisa was defence, Mayah was goalie, Julia was Midfield and I was forward. For the guys it matched us. Zayn was defence, Liam was goalie, Niall was Midfield and Harry was forward.

"Okay girls, huddle!" I shouted.

We huddled in our petite group.

"Listen, they may be stronger and bigger, but were faster and lighter on our feet, that will benefit us. Mayah, don't be afraid of the ball, attack it! Julia, always be near me, whether it's beside, behind me or in front of me, be near. Marisa stay back! Only come up if I call for you. Look girls, were good. I saw us. We can win and we will win! Be aggressive, don't show weakness and never back down!!!" I whisper yelled!

"Yeah!" They chorused.

"Girl power on three, one two three,"

"GIRL POWER!!!!!!" He shouted.

The boys were already there waiting for us viciously. I stared Harry dead in his eyes, he did the same. I was still hesitant and I don't have the same trust but I thnk I love him, so I just have to grow from this. No fear allowed. He raised his hand out.

"Good luck?"

In return I spit on the ground. He chuckled. Ladies got the ball first, Julia was on my right side ready for me to kick the ball. I heard a loud whistle and I was off, I browsed right pass Harry. I could tell he didn't expect it. Niall left Julia as he came to try to steal the ball from me along with Harry. It was a perfect chance, to pass to Julia. When I did she bolted towards the net, I smirked at Harry who looked completely dumbfounded. I sprinted toward the net as I noticed Zayn was giving her a hard time. When she saw me open, I waved for Marisa to come help. We were attacking the net in a line. We continually passed to each other, we finally reached the net. Marisa blasted the ball right at Liam Gentiles. He groaned loudly as he fell to the ground. I was about to run and get it , harry noticed as we grabbed ahold of my wrists.

"Oh, I don't think so. NIALL GO!" Harry screamed.

"JULESSS GO SHOOT! MARISA GO bACK." I peeled him off me.

Julia slid through Nialls legs and shot it in. He all jumped on her and ended up in a doggy pile. He cheered and laughed in there faces as they stared at us in disbelief. we all flipped our ponytails in union and giggled uncontrollably. It was now there ball. Harry decided to play rough. as I was about to strip the ball of him, he through me over his shoulder and ran to the net, he passed to Niall, who had Julia and scored. I scoffed loudly as he put me down. He chuckled and I obviously I rolled my eyes. He wants to play rough, so be it!

"I call a timeout! " I shout.

We all reform into our huddle.

"Look girls, if they wanna play rough, lets give them rough! Go for there weak spot. Julia, tickle him! We all know that. Mayah, just bear with us. Marisa, your probably going to have to deal with a harry and Niall, Harry's weakness is his balls, and Nialls is to be tickled. We got this!!!" I informed assertively.

We got into our starting positions. It was our ball. We decided to do things differently. I would pass the ball to Julia, then I would run up sneakily, so they won't notice. Julia will pass it to Marisa, she will kick it to me who will be close to the net. It worked. I looked back to find them chasing after me, along with Julia. This would be the worst Time to fall. Being the clumsy person I am, my brain wasn't aligned with my legs, causing me to topple over. Thankfully Julia was behind me and stole the ball. As she was about to shoot, Harry quickly kicked it out. That meant a corner kick for us girls.

"Corner kick!" Julia called out, she was going to take it.

She gave me a look and I knew that ball was coming my way. It was going to be tall.

"Good luck getting this past me" Harry whispered to me. I sneered in return.

Shouldn't be too hard since you suck." I stuck out my tongue.

When the ball came, it was so high. I saw Harry moving towards it, my body had a late reaction. It ran to him. I elbowed him in the stomach, to impair his playing. I made a split-second decision. I jumped backwards, lifting my leg. I blasted the ball, aiming for the corner. I fell pretty hard on my back. I remembered to look back, I got it in!

"Yeah!" The girls cheered.

After an action packed game, there was a stupid tie. 4-4. Mayah was amazing at net, it was unexpected, so was Liam. It was a close game. At this point I probably looked like a pig, but hey, it's soccer. I'm not here to look pretty. Me, Julia and Marisa would shoot, and Mayahs in net. Same for them. Niall was shooting first. Mayah was in her ready position; knees bet, swaying left to right, hands out. Niall took three steps back, angling his shot. As he kicked it went really high, like it it was about to go move the net, but it didn't, so I went in. I shot next, i got in. All the girls got it in, none of the guys did. We won! As expected. There our slaves for a week.


Sorry, I had to write a soccer chapter .. hope whoever read it enjoyed it!

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it makes me happppppie!

Thank you!!

~Lenna XOXO <3

Love you

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