Trust broken, Truth revealed

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I looked at the clock on my bedside, it read 7:18. My parents would probably be up by now. I heard the door of their bedroom open and close, and feet thumping across the hall and down the stairs.
Yup they are definitely up!
I put on my robe and tiptoed out the room and into the kitchen. I saw my parents smiling at each other, as if relieved of something.
I need to speak up then, "what are you smiling about? Did something happen?" I asked.
"No sweetheart, we're smiling about something that didn't happen. But you don't need to know because everything is okay!" My mom said, looking like she was going to burst with joy and relief.
" You're up early for my sixteen year old daughter! How did you sleep? Do you feel any different?" He asked.
" I slept fine. And yes I do feel very different." I responded eager to get to my question.
"And I see you went out last night to get your hair done. It looks great! But why the green contact lenses? I thought you liked the way you looked?" My mom asked her smile downsizing and turning into a slight frown.
"I did! And that brings me to my question which I-"
"Oh don't worry, you can go out to the salon or the gym. I won't blame you that you would like to change a little. But no tattoos, piercings or anything to expensive." My dad said, which earned him a dirty look from mom.
"Well actually I need to-" I started but was again cut off.
"Oh say no more! I know just the thing you need... A birthday cake and present!" My mom said.
I looked at their faces, the relief had turned into nervousness. They were avoiding whatever I had to say! Did they know something I didn't or just found out perhaps?
"Mom, dad, you need to know something! And I need to say it now, I mean right no-" and again I was interrupted this time by my mom bursting into tears and my dad shouting.
"Enough! We just want you to have a normal birthday. That's what we're going to have! Okay? Got it? Normal!" He spewed out, tearing up.
"THIS CAN'T WAIT GUYS! I need to tell you now!" I said quickly calming myself.
I had always had a sturdy hand over my emotions even happiness. I had never held back them but know I was trying to be flat and boring to make sure it didn't happen. I was going to tell them, right now. This was it, I was going to be branded different strange and to my parents a freak. No evading the truth and I had been taught to always tell the truth since I was a baby.
" Mom, Dad. Something happened last night. That's the reason that I look different now, I didn't go to the hairstylist or buy colour lenses." I told the, the whole story and they just stared, not surprised but hopeless. As I finished my story my mom spoke up.
"Well we tried and prayed but I guess we knew it was going to happen anyways no matter how hard we tried!" And she again bursts into tears.
"Hang on a minute! What did you just say! That's a retoricle question. I know exactly what you said, but why? How? WHAT!!!"
I stared at them opening my mouth and closing it. I closed my eyes and shook my head.
"What do you know?" I said tearing up. "Tell me Now!"
"Look honey, we were going to tell you but we didn't want to worry you if it didn't happen. We were so stupid to think it wouldn't happen. We should have told you. I'm sorry!" My mom cried.
"Alright. Let's start from the beginning, are you... Whatever I am." I asked.
They gazed at each other lovingly but with grief strained on their faces.
"Maria. You need to understand, we will tell you everything but don't ask any questions until the end of our story." My dad said sternly, his eyes looking into mine deeply. Waiting for my answer to see if I would tell the truth because no one knows me better than my dad and mom.
"I promise. Now spill the beans!" I said jokingly, and as I said before, I am not the lying type.
"Maria. You were adopted by us, you are not our biological daughter and your real parents are dead now, I'm sorry."

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