Xx Chapter 11: Birthday Date xX

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  (A/N) TWO CHAPTERS IN ONE DAY! WHAAA. Jk, but here you go, and sorry, I'm a drama junkie.

I walked down the stairs to acknowledge the knocking that was at my front door. I adjusted my before I opened the door, making sure it was perfect. Ashton stood before in a tux, smiling and looking at me from, head to toe. "How did I get so lucky," He bit the inside of his cheek, causing me to smile.

"I could be asking the same question," He smiled reaching out and taking me hand. He brought me close, wrapping an arm around me waist and kissing my temple. I looked at him, looking into his eyes and seeing the true happiness that was there. When I was in year eight, I remember my journalism teacher telling us that eyes were the windows to the soul, and if that was true, I was happy I was with this soul.

"Ready, birthday girl," Ashton snapped me out of my thoughts. I nodded, feeling his absence from beside me as I got inside the car. He got in, looking at me before starting the car and backing up. He reached his hand over, interlacing our fingers, tapping as he drove.

Ashton pulled into the parking lot of a large Italian restaurant and parked the car. He got out and came to me side, opening the door for me and reaching a hand down. I took it, smiling up at him as I gained balance on my feet. He looked into my eyes and placed a light kiss on my nose. A shiver ran through my body as it absorbed the warmth I got from Ashton wrapping an arm around me waist. We approached the restaurant and I very quickly noticed the line that had formed. Ashton gave me a reassuring smile was we made past everyone in the line.

I heard cries from people upset that we were cutting, but I shook them off, only wanting to focus on Ashton tonight. The hostess looked up at Ashton only glancing at me for a brief moment, "Reservation?" Ashton nodded, tightening his grip on me slight. "Name?" Ashton's voice was soft almost, like he was uncomfortable, "Ashton," The hostess nodded, handing a menu to a waiter that was standing nearby.

The waiter motioned for us to follow him, but instead of Ashton moving first I did. I looked back at him seeing the hesitation in his eye. I raised an eyebrow at him, silently asking him if he was okay. He smiled weakly, nodding at me before walking. I slowly walked behind him, now I was being the hesitant one. Obviously something was bothering him, and I was going to figure it out.

The waiter sat us in a booth, a rather large on that was obviously to big for me. The waiter, set the menu's down, touching my hand, catching my attention. "And what would the lady like to drink?" I smiled ordering a Coke and directed my attention to Ashton. His hands were clenched tightly into fist, hard enough that his knuckles turned white. I reached out grabbing ahold of his hands, causing them to loosen slightly. "Ashton, tell me what wrong."

He shook my hand off directing his attention over my shoulder. I fought the urge to look over my shoulder when I saw his eyes move, following whatever he was looking at. The waiter appeared beside me and placed my drink in front of me. He placed Ashton's cup, flashing me a friendly smile. I smiled back, taking a sip from my soda. "Are you two ready to order, or do you still need a minute." I smiled, tapping Ashton's hand, "I think we need a minute."

He nodded and walked away, leaving me to focus on Ashton. His jaw was clenched now as he looked directly at me. "Ashton, please?" He shook his head and picked the Menu up, "Nothing is wrong," I furrowed my eyebrows and picked up a menu. I looked at it, glancing up occasionally to see Ashton looking at me, both of us quickly looking away. The waiter returned a short while later, holding a notepad in his hand.

"What can I get you two this fine evening," His eyes were focused on me, waiting for my order. I ordered, looking over at Ashton, who had zoned out looking at his hands. I smiled nervously at the waiter and reached out, tapping Ashton's hand, bringing him back to reality. He shook his head, looking at the menu briefly and ordered, putting an obvious fake smiled on his face. The waiter took out menu's, walking away to put them in.

"Okay, Ashton, cut the crap, tell me what the fuck is going on," He lazily looked at me and shrugged, irritating me slightly. "Ashton, please just talk to me." I placed my hand on his, trying to get him to open up, but all I got was him jerking his hand away. Before I got the chance to respond, two waiters walked up hold Ashton and I meal, placing it before us. Our waiter reached out to put Ashton's plate on the table, accidentally knocking Ashton's cup over.

Ashton jumped up, yelling slightly at the drink. I jumped back, adjusting myself in the seat. Ashton stormed of to the bathroom, leaving me by myself. The waiter turned around, an apologetic look on his face. "It's fine, he's just having a bad day," I phrased that more as a question and I think the waiter picked up on the because he nodded sadly taking mine and Ashton's drink. I sighed, looking over towards the bathroom where Ashton just fled to.

I looked down, pulling my phone out. I clicked the group chat I was in with Luke and Calum, and sighed, typing into the phone.


'Ashton just stormed off,'

'He did what!'

'That doesn't sound like him Ivy'

'I don't know he has been acting weird all night, ever since we walked into the restaurant, and then the waiter accidentally dumped the drink on him and he stormed off to his bedroom.'

'That's really strange'

'I thought so'

'Give him a few minutes and if he hasn't come back go check on him'

I sighed, turning my screen off and looking at me untouched food. I wish I knew what was up with him so I could fix it. I looked around the room and realized that everyone in this section of the restaurant was staring at me. Great. I fidgeted with my hands until I felt my phone vibrate in my lap.

I picked it up, reading the text.

'If he isn't back, go get'em girl,'

I thanked them before putting my phone back in my purse. The waiter placed that drinks in from of me and placed his hand on mine, "If you need to talk, I'm here," I smiled, these waiters have so much hospitality. I took a sip of my drink before making my way over towards the bathroom door. I lightly knocked, listening to hear if anyone besides Ashton was inside. When I heard no movement I walked inside, locking the door behind me.

"Ashton," I keeps my voice quiet and soft, not wanting to startle and anger him more. I walked over to the stall the was closed and placed my hand on it. "Ash, I know you're in there, please tell me what's up," I heard movement from the other side, but the door didn't open. "Ashton, please talk to me, I care about you, and I want to make you happy. But I can't do that when you won't tell me when you won't talk to me." I placed me forehead on the door, closing my eyes and letting a tear fall from my eye.

I opened my eyes watching the tear fall to the ground. I let out a shaky breath, pushing off of the door. My vision started to get blurry as the room started to spin. "Ashton, I-," I stumbled, blacking out before I hit the ground.

(A/N) Wow, this chapter was really short, sorry? I just felt like I had to get to it tonight, mainly because the next chapters are planned out in my head and I really want to get there. Hope you enjoyed. Thanks for all your support! Don't forget to heart/comment/share/ and follow!  

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