Chapter Forty-Nine- Repayment and Redemption

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Baekhyun threw down the shudders, ripping them off the window as they clattered at his feet. He gazed down, his eyes becoming wide. "We're high up," he mumbled. "I don't see help yet."

"Well, that guy didn't exactly give great directions, now did he?" Kai muttered, opening a door and giving a quick scan. "I think it was on the ground floor."

Baekhyun nodded, and they walked down the stairs in awkward silence. It seemed as if no one was near, and they had a long way to go.

"So, Sarang loves you?" Kai said.

Baekhyun grunted, remembering when he asked her the question just yesterday, and she stayed silent. But now wasn't the time to get pissed about it. "What makes you think that?"

"Oh, I don't know, maybe when she said she 'wasn't going to let the boy she loves get killed'?" Kai grumbled.

Baekhyun stopped in his tracks, his face frozen in shock. "Wait... WHAT?"

"You're kidding, you didn't hear that?!" Kai gave him a death glare, surprised the boy was this dense.

"I was too busy thinking of how to calm her down," Baekhyun mumbled.

"You do a good job of that, most of the time nothing gets her to chill," Kai muttered, stepping down, his hand gliding over the railing.

"Why... I mean Krystal was pissed, understandably. Why are you still trusting us? We're liars," Baekhyun wondered aloud.

"Well, whether or not she lied, Sarang saved my umma's life and mine as well. I'm indebted to her for life. She's the reason our tormentor is behind bars, and why we actually have a good life now. It doesn't matter if she lied about everything we thought we knew about her, her actions still show for what and who she really is, her words just couldn't," Kai spoke, taking another turn down the stairs.

"So... you're not mad?" Baekhyun asked curiously.

"I'm beyond pissed, but I know my boundaries. Plus, as I said before, I'm indebted to Sarang. I don't think punching her would be what I call 'repayment'."

"That's really sad," Baekhyun said softly.

Kai sighed, "It's life."

"I don't think Sarang wants you to feel indebted to her."

"Well, she might not have been lying to you about everything, but she still keeps her cards close to her chest. It's almost impossible to know what she wants, or what she's thinking," Kai mumbled wistfully. "I thought she was going to kill me because I liked someone other than her friend, but it was quite different. She hated that I wasn't being honest with myself and using her friend as a shield."

Baekhyun stayed silent, before answering. "She'll put her friends before her, that I know."

"Yeah, I know. When she offered to put herself in Amber's place, that's what really convinced me to not go off at her like Krystal. You weren't there, though I know you know. When Sarang was... assaulted by my father, it was awful. He pounced on her, her clothes in shreds. She looked like a mess, with the most terrified and pleading look on her face. When I got there, I saw places that maybe even you didn't see. I couldn't look her in the eye. The look in her eyes, it was unbearable. It made me sick, it made me feel as if I should throw up, like I was being repeatedly stabbed in the stomach. To think, I was the son and the reason she had to go through that. Every time I look at her, I can't help but wonder if she sees his face in mine. If seeing the face of his son tears her apart on the inside."

Baekhyun waited a moment, letting it all sink in, and sucking in a breath. "So that's why you're remaining loyal to her?"

Kai looked over the bruises on his wrists, the rope burn still fresh and bright red. "She could kill me, and that's what would repay the price."

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