Conversation?? (pt.2)

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A/n y'all sorry if I write this bad I suck at this ;-;

3rd person-

While jack is having a conversation with the "guys". Mark, pewds,Shane,cry and ken are on the plane heading to Ireland in the night.

Ken P.O.V-
Are you guys ready? I say, the other's nod and grin excited.

Were on the plane right now to take jack with us to L.A for Shane's birthday. Also were taking Jack toooooo.......LAS VEGA'S BABY! It's going to be his first time there. Were all so excited to go there, especially that were bringing jack along.

Attention we have landed in Athlone Ireland please take off your seat belts and take ur bags and exit carefully thank you

I took off my seat belt as the others do the same then we exit and take a taxi to Jack's place.

(Time skip this is the part where jack attempts to kill himself and passes out  also I hope I said dat right where the attendance/lady says attention we have blah blah blah thank you)

Mark's P.O.V- *inhales (dong)* Were Here! I exclaim.
Cry tells me how are we going to enter to surprise him. I smirk then bent down and lift the brick that was with some other ones and grab the spare key that jack had told me, I unlock the door we all step inside we were about to shout surprise when we heard a bang in the kitchen we all run fast there and gasp to see Jack on the floor with blood on the end of the counter and on the side of his head and an empty pill container with a bottle of bleach. I quickly went to him and checked his neck/pulse and told the guy's that he's still alive the other's sigh in relief.

Then Felix taps me on the shoulder and points to the bottle of bleach along with the empty container that had pills inside telling me that i should call an ambulance so I pull out my phone and call an ambulance I explain to them what happened and tell them the address of Jack's place.

Time skip cuz llama lazy (always)

I along with the guys were getting worried I hope jack doesn't.....idk what I'll do if he does I'll probably go nutz without him I say in my mind, we are currently in the waiting room waiting for some fucking news. The doctor came walking towards us and said "Hello, you guys are probably waiting to hear the news right?" We all nodded anxiously "Well the news are or shall I say GOOD news is that Jack is alive and well, we covered his side of his head with some bandages okay, oh and you guys can see him now" the Doctor said and with that we all dashed in the room like sonic the hedgehog.

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