The New Girl (girlxgirl)

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So this is my first story so it's probably not going to be super great but hopefully you guys like it :3

The New Girl

Jesse's POV

Beep beep beep
"Ugh why?" I groaned reaching over to turn off my alarm. Today is the first day of hell, or should I say school.

I should probably tell you a little about myself. My name is Jesse Zaharias. I am 15 and a sophomore in high school. And I live in Massachusetts. Also I should say that I am a lesbian, though I haven't found that special someone yet, which i am fine with. I have auburn hair that goes just past my shoulders and brown eyes. And I have a Monroe and nose piercing.

After laying in bed for a good five minutes I finally pull myself out of bed and head off to get ready.

I dress in my favorite Pierce the Veil T-shirt and black skinny jeans, with my dark red vans. Putting on some makeup I went downstairs grabbed a bottle of water and my back pack and left for school.
Walking up to school I immediately saw my friend Gabby and walked up to her.
"Hey Gabby" I said standing next to her.
"Hey. Come on let's go find our lockers" she said as we where off to where sophomore lockers where located.

As we were walking to our lockers I saw my friend Ann running towards us. Nudging Gabby I stopped walking and waited for Ann to reach us.
"Guys guess what" Ann said looking excited.
"What is it?" I said looking at her strangely
"There is a new girl coming to our school! She's in our grade, and is from California!" She half yelled at us "oh and I heard she's really pretty" she added looking at me grinning.
Yes both Ann and Gabby know I am gay and are trying to get me to find someone, so of coarse she's excited. But to be honest I could care less.

"Okay and you are telling us this why?" i said brushing off her grin and last comment.

"Because who knows Jesse you could fall in love with her and live happily ever after!" She said dreamily. I heard Gabby chuckle next to me and I just rolled my eyes.

"Ann this is not a fairytail it's real life. Stuff like that doesn't happen" I said sighing "and I doubt we will even have any classes together" But before either one of them could reply the bell rang and I was off to first period.

Ugh why can't they just give up trying to get me to go out with someone. I like how I am now, I thought on my way to language arts which I have first. Walking into class I took a seat in the back and prayed that this day would go by faster.

The bell finally rang and the teacher walked to the front of the room.
"Hello everyone my name is Mrs. Leonard and-" there was a knock on the door cutting her off. Watching her open the door I saw the most beautiful girl I've ever seen walk into the classroom looking really shy. Her and the teacher talked and then Mrs. Leonard turned to the class.
"Okay everyone this is Natalie Mitchell, she is new to our school so I expect all of you to be friendly. Natalie you can go take the empty seat in the back" She said pointing to the seat next to me.

I just sat there staring at the gorgeous girl slowly walking towards the seat next to me. Once I realized I was staring I quickly looked down hoping she didn't notice. I heard a little giggle from next to me and saw that she was blushing with a small smile on her face. Groaning i put my head down on the desk. Well I think she noticed.
Natalie's POV

Rolling over in bed I opened my eyes and looked at the time. 5:30. Ugh I have to get up. Pulling myself out of bed I got ready for my first day of school.

My name is Natalie Mitchell. I am 15 and a sophomore in high school. I moved here to Massachusetts this summer from California after my mom got moved here for work. I have long brown hair and brown eyes.

Getting out of the shower I dried my hair and put on a black v-neck shirt and short shorts with some vans. Putting on some makeup I walked downstairs.
Pulling up to the school I said by to my mom and got out of the car and walked to the front office to get my schedule.

Looking at my schedule I see that I have language arts first and start looking around for my class. The bell rang and I'm still not in my class, ugh why is this so hard! Finally I saw my room and knocked on the door seeing the teacher come over and open the door.
"Uhm I'm new here, my name is Natalie Mitchell" I said seeing her smile and nod.

"Okay everyone this is Natalie Mitchell, she is new here so I expect all of you to be friendly. Natalie you can go take the empty seat in the back" she said pointing to the empty seat in the back of the room.

I looked to the back where she was pointing and saw a girl sitting next to the empty seat wide eyed and mouth slightly parted staring at me. I have to say it was really cute the way she was kind of off in her own little world. She was beautiful and had kind of an alternative look going on, with the piercings and band shirt, but it fit with her style.

At that moment it seemed she snapped out of her little day dream and quickly looked down. Blushing I giggled and smiled a little to myself as I sat down next to her.

Right then I had a feeling it would be a good year and that I really should get to know this mysterious girl.

The New Girl (girlxgirl)Where stories live. Discover now