Chapter 2

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Jesse's POV

It's now lunch and I'm sitting with Gabby, Ann and a couple other people at our usual table. Everyone is catching up with each other but I'm sitting here with Natalie stuck in my head. Turns out she's in my 1st AND 2nd period, so I pretty much stared at her the entire class period. Ugh why is she stuck in my head I haven't even talked to her yet!

"Hello, earth to Jesse" Gabby said waving her hand in my face. Shaking my head I look around the table and everyone is just stating at me.

"Stop looking at me! I zone out and you all look at me like I'm crazy" I said exasperated.

"Sorry Jesse it's just you've been in your own little world for half of lunch.." Ann said quietly. Sighing I apologized and turned to Gabby who had a knowing smile on her face. I raised my eyebrows at her and she motioned for me to wait a second.

"Guys Jesse and I have to go get something I forgot from last period, see you later" She said lying easily and getting up from the table, walking away.

Following after her I see she's going into the girls bathroom and I go in with her. She checked to see if anyone was in there, which nobody was, then turned and smiled at me.

"You like her." She states like it was no big deal. I just stared at her hoping she doesn't mean Natalie.

"W-what are you talking about?" I ask slowly, but she just sighed and gave me one of those 'I know you know what I mean' looks.

"Oh come on Jesse. Natalie. I can tell you like her" she said kindly "I saw you staring at her in 2nd and I know you better than anyone, why won't you just admit it?" I knew all she wanted was for me to be happy so I went with it.

"Okay fine, I can't get her out of my head and it's only the first day!" when I said this she squealed clapping her hands "I don't know what it is but whatever it is.. I think I like it" I said smiling.

"That my dear friend is called feelings. It's when you like someone" she said talking to me like I was in kindergarten. I rolled my eyes and playfully hit her arm.
"Stop, this is serious!" I whined, and she looked at me in the eyes and said "This is the first time I've really seen you take interest in someone, go for it" she said smiling and then walked out of the bathroom, leaving me to think about what she said.
The next day...

I've been thinking a lot about what Gabby said, and I think I should do what she says and get to know Natalie more and maybe something will happen, but that's only if she's into girls. Which I really hope she is.

Right now I'm sitting in first period, I'm one of the first ones here so there's only me, the teacher and some other kid. I really hope Natalie gets here early so maybe I can talk to her.

And right as I said that my beautiful girl walked in. Wait my beautiful girl?! No bad Jesse she's not yours.. Yet. Shaking my head and looking up I saw that Natalie had already taken her seat next to me. Okay jesse just talk to her. Ugh what to say what to say!

I turned a little in my seat and tapped her on the shoulder. She turned to look at me and smiled. Ohmygod her smile is gorgeous, she's gorgeous. Focus Jesse! "Uhm h-hey, Im Jesse" I said giving her my best smile despite how nervous I was.
She smiled "Hey, I'm Natalie, but I think you already know that" she chuckled, she's so adorable.
"Yup, hey so uh since we have 2nd together too, can I walk with you?" I said hoping she would say yes.
She smiled and I think I caught a tint of pink on her cheeks. Awh, She's blushing! "Yeah, that sounds great"

"Awesome" I said keeping my cool, but on the inside I was going crazy with excitement. Then the bell rang and class started.
Natalie's POV

Coming to school early today was the smartest thing I've ever done. I learned the mystery girls name. Jesse, such a pretty name. It was so cute how she asked to walk with me and how she looked a little nervous. But that was only cause I'm new, not because she likes me. Ugh what was I thinking a girl like her would never like girls or me for that matter.

The bell rang and first period ended and I got up and saw Jesse waiting for me at the door smiling. I walked out the door and Jesse and I started walking to second.

"So uh how's school going?" I heard Jesse say next to me.

"Really well actually, I like it here" I said smiling and looking at her.

"That's great" she said. I snuck a glance at her and it looked like she wanted to say something. Finally she said "do you have anyone to sit with during lunch?"

"Nope" I said popping the "p".

Her face light up and she said "well you can sit with me and my friends!"

I giggled and replied "Sure, I would love to"
Jesse's POV

It's lunch time and Natalie and I are walking to my usual table. When Gabby saw who I was with she smirked and wiggled her eyebrows. I just rolled my eyes at her.
"Hey guys, this is Natalie and she's going to sit with us from now on" I said. I went around the table introducing everyone and they all waved and smiled.

"So Natalie where are you from?" Asked Ann.

"California" she said smiling.

Conner and Alex, the two guys at the table, looked at each other and started screaming California girls by Katy Perry "California girls, we're unforgettable, Daisy dukes, bikinis on top! Sunkissed skin, So hot we'll melt your popsicle! Oh oh oh ohhhhhhh!"

Ann had joined in singing, or should I say screaming. Natalie and I were laughing so hard my sides were hurting and gabby was trying to hold in her laugh. "Omg, okay guys that's enough!" Gabby yelled after a minute or so.

We all burst out laughing and just messed around and had fun until the bell rang and lunch ended.

Soooo I'm going to end it there haha. Hope you guys like it! Idk should I continue? I mean I just started but not many people are reading so let me know you sneaky readers if i should continue or not.


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