Part three (Parker) : Realization

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When Charlotte shut her door, I ran over to listen and make sure everything was okay. I know eavesdropping is bad but she looked angry and scared so it's natural to want to help. I heard her talking in a calm and hesitant voice.
"Foster, please leave me alone. Why are you doing this?" I heard her take a shaky breath and sigh. "I'm not your girlfriend, nor will I ever be. Just stop calling." I heard the end button click and a loud thud against the door. When the knob jiggled, I ran to the sofa to act natural.
"Sorry, what times the party?" She asked looking exhausted.
"Oh, it starts at seven. Sadie and Dante are stopping over so we can all go over together." She smiled as if nothing happened. "Everything okay?" I asked cautiously.
"Yeah. Hey do you mind if I bring a friend?" I'm guessing the guy from the café
"Sure, the guy from earlier?" She nodded.
"His name is Andy. He's an art major too." I groaned internally. Why does she have to bring him? "Anyway wanna have dinner? I'm making." She said with a soft smile
"Sure what are you making?" I asked curious that she can cook.
"I was thinking orange chicken on rice?" She said holding up a box of white rice. I nodded as my stomach growled.
​She started cooking and I watched her like it was the most fascinating thing in the world, and to me it was. She moved around the kitchen like it was natural.
"Where did you learn to cook?" I asked leaning my chin on my hands.
"I watched a lot of cooking shows when I was little. So, I just memorized certain recipes." She said turning the stove off. "It's ready." She slid the rice and chicken into a bowl and handed it to me. The first bite was like heaven.
"Holy shit, this is really good!"
"Really! I'm glad, I haven't cooked in a while." We finished eating and both went to get ready for the party. I threw on a pair of shorts, a button up shirt and flip-flips and headed for the living room.
"Hey Charlotte, we should leave soon or there won't be any parking." She opened her door and a gust of sweet smelling perfume flew out. I stood staring at her. She wore a cute black sun dress and a jean jacket. She looked adorable. I felt my face heat up and turned to open the door. "Well let's go." I stammered, hoping she didn't notice my red cheeks. Sadie, Dante and Charlotte's friend, Andy, were waiting down the steps for us.
"Damn Charlotte! You look hot." Sadie yelled. The two boys nodded in agreement. Charlotte blushed and her freckles stood out. She does look hot.
"Thanks. Hey Andy, glad you could come!" She said running over to him.
"Well thanks for inviting me. Hopefully frat parties have attractive guys." He said winking at her. My stomach twisted. Is he trying to set her up with someone? Shit.
​When we got to the frat, there were already tons of cars. We walked in as Grant was setting up the sound system.
"Hey guys, glad you could make it. There are drinks in coolers in the kitchen and outside." He pointed and went back to setting up; Andy and Charlotte started talking.
"He's attractive." He said raising an eyebrow to Charlotte.
"He's taken, by the adorable red head over there." He slumped his shoulders. "Come on, let's go get drinks." She looked at me. "Want anything Parker?"
"Nope, I'm good." I said in a slightly irritated tone. Her face fell and I knew she heard it. She and Andy walked to the kitchen together. I stood over by Grant. "Need any help?" He looked up.
"No, I think I'm good. Where's Charlotte?" He asked.
"With her friend, Andy, why?" I said looking confused. We're roommates, not Siamese twins.
"No reason. I just thought, maybe you like her." I felt heat fill my cheeks. I crossed my arms and turned away.
"Well you're mistaken. You know I don't do relationships anymore." I stated a matter of fact. He knew that. He stood, plugging the last wire into the speaker.
"You know, you shouldn't let Casey decide your future." He said walking away leaving me to think. Great, now the C average student with no street skills is preaching to me. But, he was right. I was letting Casey ruin any chances I had. I looked over to Charlotte and Sadie who were laughing at something Andy said. I took a deep breath and sighed. Sadie ran over dragging me towards them, handing me a drink.
"Come on! Get wasted!" She yelled as she chugged down her first beer. I joined in. If I was going to get over Casey, I needed to get drunk.
​About an hour rolled by, and the house was filled with college students and people who don't even attend this college. It was possible the biggest party they've had. Andy, Charlotte, Dante and I got sucked up into the living room of the house watching a match of beer pong. Two freshmen were up against the senior raining champs, and losing. When the ball plopped into the last cup the freshman groaned and started arguing over who has to drink it. Charlotte and I stood so close I felt the heat from her body radiating off of her. I looked down to her and saw her laughing at the arguing kids.
"Wanna play a round?" She asked with excited eyes. "I've never played before." I hated beer games; especially beer pong. The further the cup, the worse the alcohol and I always ended up drinking the bad stuff. Before I could answer, Sadie pulled her over.
"Let's win this." She said, starting to feel the effects of the five beers and two shots she downed already. Charlotte smiled trying to steady Sadie. It was funny to watch. When the game started I walked over to Dante who thought the girls wouldn't last five minutes.
"Looks like you'll be carrying her home tonight." He laughed raising an eyebrow. His smirk stretched ear to ear on his dark skin.
"Oh, she'll be fine." I said sarcastically. Grant ran over with Andy yelling that Sadie should not be playing. He pried her from the ping-pong table and Andy took over, already as drunk as Sadie.
​When Charlotte threw the last ball into the winning cup, she jumped for joy, having beaten the raining champs at their own game. She ran over to me in a zig-zag line; she was completely wasted.
"I won!" She yelled holding up a small plastic trophy they had given her. She had the biggest smile on her face and her freckles popped over the pink of her cheeks. It looked like she was on the verge of passing out.
"Wanna go home?" I asked worriedly. She nodded and began dozing off. I carried her to the car, buckling her in. Luckily Sadie and Dante were staying at the frat tonight. And much to my surprise, Andy was glued to some guy for the rest of the night. I got in and started the car.
​When I pulled into the driveway, I stopped the ignition and just looked at her sleeping face. She looked so peaceful and happy. I brushed a strand of hair out of her face causing her to wake up. I quickly pulled my hand away and got out of the car.
"We're home?" She said with a tired voice. I looked back and nodded.
​When we got inside, we both immediately plopped on the sofa. She threw her arm over her eyes. "I'm never drinking again." She said. I'm guessing she sobered up a bit. I laughed.
"Me either." I didn't really get that drunk but, I still don't feel good. But I have a feeling it's not because of the alcohol. She slowly got up brushing her arm against my leg.
"I'm going to bed." Her phone started buzzing and she paused. She took the phone out of her pocket, turning it off and throwing it on the table. "Night Parker." Her voice sounded shaky. I waited a few minutes before going to bed myself. On my way, I glanced at the table with the phone on it. I wanted to see who she's been ignoring, but I've only known her for three days. I don't want to force myself into her personal problems. I ignored my urge to investigate and went to my room. As I drifted to sleep, I heard soft sobs from Charlotte's room. My heart hurt at the sound of it.

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