A Normal Day In Ikebukuro

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It was a sunny afternoon when Izaya & Shizuo were walking down the street holding hands. When they turned the corner they saw Celty riding her bike down the street, they immediately started to act like they hated each other.

"IIIIIZZAAAAAYYAAAA!!!" Shizuo said with anger.
Izaya started laughing like a little school girl while running away. Celty saw them and she continued to drive.

(Celtys thoughts) "there at it again....Oh well I just hope they don't destroy most of the city this time".

As Celty drove off Izaya & Shizuo stopped and started to hold hands and continued walking. When they reached Izaya's house Shizuo grabbed Izaya's arm and pushed him against the wall.

Shizuo had a smirk on his face while slowly moving his hand down into Izaya's pants.
"You seem excited?" Shizuo said while slowly caressing Izaya's bulge that was in his pants.

Shizuo slowly leans towards Izaya's lips for a kiss. *Knock Knock*...."it seems someone is at the door" Izaya says in a irritated voice. Izaya walks up to the door and opens it, it was Namie. Izaya made a hand jester telling Shizuo to go and hide. Shizuo goes into Izaya's bedroom and closes the door, Namie walked into the office and headed to her desk and sat down. Namie looks up and sees Izaya acting strangely.

"You seem to be acting a bit weird Izaya" Namie says with concern.

"Im fine" says Izaya while trying to look normal as he possibly can.
(Izaya's thoughts) "I hope Namie doesn't find Shizuo...were did he go exactly?."

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