Chapter 9

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~Sorry my lovelies I kinda forgot that this story existed and that its been a long ass time since my last chapter so I'm going to make another one X3~

~Izaya's POV~

I was busy at my desk talking to people in the local chat room when I heard my door open, I looked over and saw Namie walk in and head towards her desk, Namie looked at me with a quick nod saying hello before sitting in her chair and turning on her computer and started to work. She's been quiet lately and less talkative, not like she was in the first place but I'm just saying.

After awhile Namie got up from her chair and started to walk over to my desk, I looked over at the moment she decided to sit on my desk and look at me. I looked at her with a confused look asking why she is on my desk.

"Namie?, why are you on my desk?"

     "Oh no reason just want to know how you and Shizuo are doing?"

When she said that my face went red and I quickly look back at my monitor hoping for her to leave and go back to her desk but she didn't, not surprised. I calmed down a bit and turned back to look at Namie who currently had a smug look on her face.

"Why do you wanna know, Namie?"

     "Because I just wanna know"

"I don't feel like giving you that information Namie"

       "Oh come on why not, I already know what you two did the other day"

"Go away Namie I'm busy"

     "Jeez your no fun but I guess that's to be expected from a psychopath like you" Namie then got off my desk and proceeded to walk back to hers.

"I can be very fun if I felt like it but I just don't particularly like you"

     "That's mean" I just rolled my eyes and went back to looking at my computer.


I sigh as I get up from my chair and walk to my couch. I sat down and proceed to boredly look at my game that is so beautifully laid out by yours truly while my mind went else where. I was mainly distracted because I was thinking of Shizu-Chan. I could just sense Namie burning holes into the back of my skull from her desk. After awhile I got tired of her staring so without looking back I sighed.

"Take a picture it'll last longer"

       "Nah I don't want you're face on my phone"

"Then stop staring at me"

      "I can stare all I want ya know" At this point I turned around.

"I don't care Namie just go back to work or something"

      "You're one to talk mister I'm sitting on a couch doing nothing"

"I am working and stop being childish" Namie then proceeded to stick her tongue out like a 10yr old and go back to looking at her monitor.
Sometimes I wonder why I even hired her.

~Shizu-Chan's POV~

I've been walking around doing my job as usual, nothing's different besides the fact that Tom is less talkative lately.

"Tom, how many more places do we have left?" I pulled out a cigarette and lit it while waiting for a response.

       "Just a couple more be patient, do you have some place to be?"

"No i'm just wondering" Tom lifted an eyebrow while looking at me.


         "Oh nothing I just thought that you would 'hangout' with Izaya" Tom did the weird hand thing when he said 'hangout', I've got a bad feeling about this.

"Why would you think I would hangout with that flea?"

            "I don't know I just thought since you guys started to get along lately"

"Tom, are you sick or something?"

     "Haha, no Shizuo i'm perfectly fine, but I think you are the one sick since you are getting along with Izaya even though you hate him so much"

I was going to say something but someone bumped into me, I shrugged it off but they insisted on making things worse, I really hate violence ya know. They were acting all high and mighty until I turned around and faced them with a really annoyed face cause who wouldn't when someone is being a total prick about a simple situation.

I did the usual, rip something out of the ground, throw it at someone who is being a total annoyance, and leave. After that entire situation I continued with what I was going to say.

"Sorry about that"

     "You're fine"

"Anyway as I was going to say, I'm not getting along with that flea"

     "Sure you are and I'm Will Smith"

"Your sarcasm is not needed Tom"

Tom just laughed a bit and it was quiet the rest of the time except some small talk here and there.

~Hello everybody or might I say my lovelies I'm very sorry that I did not make another chapter fast enough mainly because I forgot about it and I also didnt know what the fuck to write so I'm like wtf am I suppose to say and then after so long I finally made something up and I hope it pleases you guys if not then i will try my best to please you if possible.....but anyway I will try to update a bit faster for you guys so BYE!!!X3~

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2019 ⏰

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