Friendly Meeting?

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(Annabeth's POV)

I can't stop thinking about those eyes.

They were the most complex, mesmerizing, swirling, intriguing orbs that I have ever seen.

I've looked at picture after picture, and they are the same color as King Poseidon's. But those eyes didn't belong to King Poseidon himself. They had a larger amount of depth and mystery.

Also, King Poseidon doesn't ever go into the eastern tower.

I can't stop wondering who it could've been, but I shake it out of my mind, bustling through the castle. I am in search of my father. Mom gave me a note for him, and he is on duty at the moment. He should be with the King in his quarters.

I'm not exactly sure how to get to the King's quarters, so I guess I'll just have to wander around. I know which tower it is in (the very center), so I guess I'll just go there.

On my way, I pass by the door to the eastern tower. The sea green eyes from this morning instantly reappear in my mind.

Before I can turn the corner and walk by, I notice something on the floor in front of the door. Curious, I walk toward it.

There, just outside of the locked door, lies my pencil. The green-eyed mystery person must have found it and left it out for me!

I pocket my pencil, before hurrying along. After what feels like years of wandering around the castle, I find the King and Queen's private area. Besides the two of them, only bodyguards and head maids are allowed inside.

I hesitantly knock on the door, and my father opens it up. "Annabeth? What are you doing here?"

"Mom sent me with this, it's for you. That's all," I explain, handing him the note. He takes it, and gives me a quick smile.

"Thanks sweetie, I'll be back for dinner tonight. I don't have the night shift today."

I smile. "Alright-"

"Frederick? Is this your daughter?" The King's mighty voice rings out through the room. My dad turns around, beckoning me in.

"Yes, this is Annabeth. Annabeth, I'm sure you recognize King Poseidon."

I awkwardly kneel down after slowly stepping into the room. "It's a pleasure to meet you, your majesty."

He smiles, and his eyes sparkle. "Oh, the pleasure is mine. Don't bother bowing, that's alright."

I stand up in surprise. I wasn't expecting this kind of treatment from him. He seems to notice this, and chuckles.

"There is no need to be so formal! You know, the crown is just a headpiece- it doesn't make me a god," he says, taking it off and placing it on the table next to him.

I nod hesitantly. I'm speechless. Suddenly, Prince Triton bursts into the room.

"Dad, we've got trouble!"

Triton is my age, only a few months older. He has a broad chest, and muscular arms. His longish black hair is pulled into a little ponytail, and his usually calm blue eyes look a bit stormy. He is tall, a good five inches taller than me.

A Royal Secret (Percabeth AU)Where stories live. Discover now