sleep (pidge x reader)

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(A/N: first one shot,jay. I will use they/ them pronouns in this one for both reader an pidge. (Y/N)=your name, (N/N)=nickname, you know that stuff.
Have fun reading)

(Pidge 's P.O.V.)

There I was, laying in my bed staring at the ceiling. Awake for at least 4 hours. Training was pretty hard today, and I was really tired but I still couldn't sleep. Because of this, i decided to go drink something. I'd go to the living room, and there was (Y/N). There they sat with some strange book in their lap. They did write something down in it."What's that?" I asked. (Y/N) looked up from the book and towards me." It's my dairy, actually I write every night about the day in it, but I forgot about it last night, so now I write about yesterday and today" They said. I was confused."shouldn't you be sleeping right now?" I asked.
They smiled" no, I couldn't sleep so i decided to catch up with my dairy, and you? Shouldn't you be sleeping"? They were right. " I couldn't sleep either, altough I am pretty tired". They patted at the seat next to them. "You could sit with me". I followed their order and I sat next to them. I took a small peek in their dairy. Actually I shouldn't do that, but when saw them writing I noticed that they'd write in a complete different language. Besides that their hand writing was unreadable." What kind of language is that "? I asked.
"Oh this, this is my native language".(if your native language is english, then pick a language that you did really like to have as your native language.) " it seems rather interresting. Can you learn me some"?  (Y/N ) did learn me some simple words, like 'today','hello' and 'good bye'. Their language did sound really interresting and beautiful. I tried to say some words, but I didn't succeed. After a little while, they finnished writing in their dairy. "I'm done. I think that I should get some sleep. Are you going to sleep as well"?. They said. I still felt tired, so I decided to do so. We each go to our respective rooms to sleep. But after laying in my bed for another hour, I still couldn't sleep. I decided to go look if (Y/N) was asleep.

( Your P.O.V.)

I layed in my bed,Tired. I was almost asleep when I heard a door creak open. I looked at the door and saw the siloutte of a certain person. " Pidge"? I asked. I heard a silent 'yes'. I sat straight up on my bed and patted at a spot next to me on my bed. They walked up to me and sat down next to me." Couldn't sleep again?" I asked. They nodded in agreement. " Sorry if I woke you up" Pidge said.  "That doesn't matter. So, what are we gonna do? Tomorrow will be a very exhausting day again". Pidge looked annoyed. "Yes I know, but do you have any idea what to do about it"?
They had a piont. Then an idea came to my mind." Maybe you could sleep with me". Their face flussed bright red but they nodded. I'd lay down again and held the blanket high so they could step in bed. They'd lay down with their back against my stomach. I noticed that Pidge is in fact pretty small. I wrapped an arm around her and I stroke their hair with my free hand. "Thank you for letting me sleep with you" They said. I closed my eyes and stopped stroking their hair." "No problem. You should get some sleep". Pidge closed their eyes and finally drifted off to sleep.

(Next morning)

(hunk's P.O.V.)

Everyone sat at the diningtable eating some breakfast. Except for Pidge and (Y/N). Where could they be? " Hunk, would you please look for Pidge and (Y/N)? Maybe they are still in their rooms".
Allura said. I followed her order and I'd go looking for them.
First, I'd go to Pidge's room, but they werent there. Then, I'd go to (Y/N)'s room. I opened the rooms door slightly, and there I saw both of them. Asleep in the same bed, Pidge laying in (Y/N)'s arms.
I had to hold back a squeel, because this was really really cute!
I heard footsteps in the hallway, and there I saw the others.
We all took a little peek in the room. This was just way too cute.
"It seems very calm today, we should let them sleep" Princess Allura whispered. We all nodded in agreement. We silently walk away from the room. I wonder what actually happened last night.

(Pidge's P.O.V.)

When I woke up, I noticed that I was in another bedroom. (Y/N)'s room, and I was in their arms. I tried to turn without waking them up to look at them face to face. Unfortunately they woke up and they looked at me with their (e/c) orbs."good morning". "Good morning" I replied. There was a moment of silence when they stared at me with their beautiful eye's. "Should we get to the dinner room for some breakfast"? They finally asked. "Sure".
Whe got to the dinner room. It was awfully silent in the hallway, like every one was gone. When we arrived, Coran was there." Hey Coran, where is everyone"? " good morning (Y/N) and Pidge, the others are already training, but don't worry, you two can eat your breakfast at peace. See you on the training deck later". With those words, he left and did go to the training deck. (Y/N) and I sat at the dinner table to eat some breakfast Coran aparently made for us. There was a awkward silrnce between us while eating. When we where finished, (Y/N) stood up from their seat and gave me a small peck on the cheek " I'm going to chance, see you at the traing deck".
I silently nodded with a faint blush. 'This day is going to be interesting' i thought.

(A/N: woohoo, first english one shot done. I think it isn't that great, so if you guy's see any mistakes, please comment. I also already got a request for a shiro x reader, that one is coming soon;). I hope you enjoyed it, it was pretty long in my opinion, 1027 words. Wow.)


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