stranded (Shiroxreader)

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(Shiro's P.O.V.)

"Paladins, I have a mission for you"princess Allura said. We were all eating our breakfast at the dinnertable when Allura spoke up. "Today you are going on a pattrouille around the Ogidanis. Its a small solar sustem with only 3 big planets, and a few moons and stars. We must check if the planets Kanton,Eukomee and Solitarius and their moons are invaded by the galra. We will first fly with the castle to the solarsystem. Then you will go with your lions around the planets to check on them". " Yes princess Allura". We al departed to the controlroom. The castle lifted off the ground, and we 'd fly to a wormhole that leaded us to Ogidanis. As soon we were there, we'd split up to go check on the planets. Keith and lance did go to Kanton, hunk and pidge to Eukomee, and Allura, coran and I did go to Solitarius, the biggest planet. When we did go to Solitarius, everything seemed peaceful, but when we came close to the planet, we were greeted by a few battleships. But no galra ships in sight. "Those are solitarian battleships. watch out, solitarians are pretty aggressive" I heard Allura say over the intercom. " We have to take the ships down to on continue" she said. We took out all of the ships one-by-one, and we continued with the patrouille. Suddenly i saw another ship, but it was different from all the others and it was inactive. It looked beaten up, and it missed a wing. "I think I should take a look at the ship, maybe there is still a pilot in there and also passengers" I said to Allura. "Be careful, we don't know if its a galra ship or a  solitarian ship". "Don't worry princess, I will be carefull". I flew with my lion to the broken ship and got on board of it.
When I came inside, al the lights were out. The ship was busted from the inside, I walked down the hallway and found the cockpit. I opened the door, and in the midlle of the cockpit was a person laying on the ground. It was a long and slender being with (h/c) hair. It had long fingers,antennae, and a (s/t) skin. The being was completely unconsious. " There is only one being in here, wich seems like the pilot, but they are unconsious". "Shiro, could you describe them"? "Yes Allura, they have (h/l) (h/c) hair with a little braid  agianst Their face. They also have pretty long fingers" I said. " that sounds like a kantonan, take it with you to the ship". I picked the kantonan up (bridal style ;)) and brought them to my lion.

( lil' timeskip i'm sorry guys)

(Your P.O.V.)

Darkness. That was the only thing I saw. The memories of the crash were still fresh on my mind. I still saw those meteorites very close again.Why was that solitarian ship attacking me? Why were they so aggressive? I opened my eyes and I saw the ground coming dangerously coming near again. But this time, I was saved before the crash actually happened again. Two strong arms held me protectively. I looked up and I saw the most handsome, but weird being. Were was his braid? And his antennae? I stood up and looked around, all those beings were like that. But there were also to beings with more pointy ears. They looked like they accient alteans who were described in the history books. " where am I? And who are you?" I looked at the being who catched me. Then I actually noticed how beautiful its eyes were. And his white hair? While the rest was black? The being snapped me out of my thought as it spoke. " Hello, I am Shiro, and you are here in the castle of lions, with the paladins,princess Allura and Coran". " the paladins? Wait, I have read about them. They are the pilots of five elemental, mechanical lions who can form a huge robot defender called voltron. Are you one of them"?  " Yes, I am the paladin of the black lion. And this are my friends, Hunk, the yellow paladin, Lance, the blue paladin, Pidge, the green paladin, keith, the red paladin, princess Allura and Coran. And what is your name"?
"My name is (Y/N). I am from Kanton, a planet in the Ogidanis solarsystem.
I was on my way to Eukomee when I was attacked by a Solitarian battleship, and because of that, I crashed into a meteor. Could you please lead me back to my ship?". They all looked at me with a 'i'm sorry' look. " sorry, but we had to leave the ship were we found it. We werent able to take it with us and repare it" the black paladin, called 'Shiro' said. "But i can bring you back to your homeplanet if you want to". I was suprised of the offer but very happy I could return. "Yes please, I would be really glad to return" I said to the black paladin. " come with me, I will bring you to my lion so we can fly back to Kanton" Shiro said. Everyone said a goodbye to me, and I walked down the hallway with Shiro. " So, what kind of being are you anyway and were did you come from?" I asked Shiro. "I'm a human, from earth, a planet in the milkyway solarsystem". I looked at him curiously. " isn't the milkyway pretty far away? How did you get here"? " Well that is a long story, involving a blue lion and a wormhole". We were finally at the feet of the mighty black lion. Shiro already walked inside but I stopped him. "Thank you so much for saving me and and bringing me back home after" I said. The paladin smiled at me. " No problem, it's our duty to keep others save". I leant forward and gave him a kiss on each cheek and forehead. Shiro looked at me, confused and with bright red cheeks." Whats wrong?" I asked. " We normally kiss each other on the forehead and cheeks at my planet  to thank each other". Shiro quickly snapped out of confusion." Its nothing, but at my planet we shook our hands or gave a hug to thank each other" . " I'm so sorry, i didn't knew" i gave Shiro a hug. The black paladin still seemed pretty confused and awkward, but returned the hug. Humans are very strange beings. We did let go after a few minutes. "We should go inside the lion and head for Kanton" Shiro said. "Yeah, lets go to on Kanton.

(A/N: second oneshot, done with 1113 words. Sorry it took long, but school will start again and i'm pretty busy preparing. this story was requested by a friendly reader on this app. I hope it came out well. And about the whole Kantonan!reader thing, Kantonans don't know anything about human genders and that is why Shiro was still called by name by the Kantonan reader. I may continue with the whole Ogidanis thing. I already have a little sketch of a kantonan. Well, i hope you all enjoyed this one shot)


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