Part Fourteen

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Clint and I decided it was about time we saw how Taylor and the kids are, it has been a few days since they were carted off to S.H.I.E.L.D, and I would love to hear how they're doing. "Agent Romanoff?" Fury says down the phone. We have the phone on speaker so Clint can hear what is being said. "Is everything alright?" Fury asks, sounding worried but also slightly exhausted.

"Clint and I have managed to pin down Andy Smith, and hopefully, if we're lucky, I'll be going to A.I.M. in a couple of days." I pause.

"How are Taylor and the kids doing?" Clint chips in.

"They're fine. Marcie has been medically assessed and a therapist is going to help her out. She's been blaming herself for her own experimentation! Xander is doing well, he shows some fine skills, and I wouldn't be surprised if we saw him as an agent in the future." Fury informs us. I breathe a sigh of relief.

"How's Taylor?" Clint questions. Fury doesn't say anything.

"Nick?" I push.

"She can't be left alone right now. She is showing signs of PTSD." Fury tells us. I put my hand over my mouth. "We're taking care of all of them. I promise. Anyway, good progress guys. Tell us when you're inside A.I.M. and we'll come and help." Fury hangs up abruptly. I don't say anything.

"Tasha?" Clint sounds concerned. He stands up and puts a hand on my shoulder. "She'll be okay; it's understandable considering the shit she's been put through. S.H.I.E.L.D is the best place for her right now." He reassures me. "And just think, Janeeva and Tay have been making progress with Sparks, so now there's not much more for us to do." Clint smiles. I nod. He's right too. Janeeva and Tay found out that she caught a plane to Ireland, and so now they're heading over there. It's just Clint and I now.

"We need to prepare for our infiltration. What's the plan?" I ask Clint, who rubs his hands together eagerly. He pulls out a huge piece of paper from underneath the table and places it on the table.

"Andy will come and pick you up in a couple of days; he'll think I'm at work when in actual fact I'll be hiding in the basement. You'll leave a fake note on the table for Linus saying that Kayley needs a break, and then you'll be taken into A.I.M. He'll most likely drug you on the way so you won't know where you're going, which is why Fury gave me these," Clint pulls out two syringes from his pocket. "These will make sure that any drugs won't affect you're system. Anyway, I'll be following Andy in the truck and then once you are inside A.I.M. you need to press this button," Clint hands me a watch, on the side of the watch is a button which is normally used to change the position of the clock hands, but it's actually a tracking device. "Just push it down, and I'll know where you are. I'll call in S.H.I.E.L.D, who will be on standby nearby, and then they'll infiltrate the building once we're inside. I'll come and find you, and I soon as I do you can transform into Black Widow again." Clint smiles and I give him a small round of applause.


I walk into the bedroom and see Clint packing his bow and hundreds of arrows into a rucksack. He throws a gun to me. I catch it. "You'll need that." He tells me.

"Won't they search me?" I ask.

"Possibly..." I pass him the gun back.

"Bring me one anyway." I tell him, so he puts the gun into the bag too. I sit down on the bed. "So how will I defend myself?" I stress.

Clint laughs. "With these." He rummages around in the bag and pulls out a pair of black laces.

"Clint, that's a pair of laces." I sigh.

"Not just any laces! They're actually bendable metal. The ends will shoot a strong electric current through the laces. Just make sure you're not wearing them." I grab the laces and fiddle with them.

"How do I use them without electrocuting myself?" I think I've found a flaw.

"Throw them." Clint shrugs. "Are you nervous?" Clint asks me. I cross my arms.

"Slightly. Nothing new though, I always feel nervous before a mission like this." I tell him.

"You've done missions like this before?" Clint sounds shocked as he sits down next to me.

"Back then." I state, not wanting the conversation to continue. I'd rather not think about the past, not when things are suddenly starting to look up in my life.

"You'll do great, I know you will." Clint takes a strand of my hair and tucks it behind my ear.

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