Part Fifteen

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Today's the day. I woke up and couldn't eat anything, the nerves rattling through my system like caffeine. Clint is worried about me too. He keeps trying to make me eat, but I can't touch food. A mission has never made me this anxious before, and I don't know why I'm this stressed. I'm wearing a tracksuit, so when Clint does come and find me in A.I.M. I'll be able to move around without being restricted physically. "Ready?" Clint asks me, putting a hand on my shoulder. 

"Ready." I state, clenching my jaw. 

Clint gets the syringe and injects the substance into my wrist before planting a kiss on my lips, and whispering "Good luck." into my ear before heading off into the basement. Andy should be here soon. I start pacing up and down the hallway; I've already put the fake note on the kitchen counter. Eventually, the doorbell rings. I open the door swiftly and transform into Kayley Johnson. 

Andy looms in the doorway, grinning. "Let's go before Linus gets back." I tell Andy who nods in agreement. He opens the car door for me and I get inside. He walks round the side of the car and gets in the front seat. 

"Have you left the note?" Andy asks me, a malicious smile tugging at the corners of his lips. 

I nod. "Andy, I'm nervous about this-" 

Andy interrupts me. "Kayley, this clinic is the best thing for you, they can help, we can help." He reassures me. Hastily, he hands me a bottle of water. "Drink this, you need to stay hydrated." He pushes. 

"I'm not thirsty." I say, passing him the bottle back. 

Andy sighs. "Kayley, please, drink it..." I take the bottle and drink the water, knowing it's drugged. It's okay though, as I've taken the antidote already. I'm guessing the drug was meant to knock me out so I close my eyes, opening them every once in a while to see where we are.

The car comes to halt. We must have been driving for about an hour. I feel reassured as I remember that Clint has been following behind us. I feel the watch on my wrist. Andy gets out the car and all of a sudden I can hear a group of voices. "Get her inside whilst she's asleep." Andy instructs. 

"Yes Sir." A feeble voice speaks. 

I feel arms around me, pulling me out of the car. I can feel something underneath me, maybe a stretcher, as I'm being wheeled into the cold building. I push the button on the side of the watch before they strip me down. 

"The drug should wear off in the next few minutes." a female voice states. I can feel myself being lowered down, but I can't actually see what's happening. I open my eyes and act confused as I take in my surroundings. The room has metal walls and a tiled floor. Bright, blue lights loom in the corners, and there are rows of syringes on the cabinet against the wall. I've been strapped into a metal chair and I'm no longer wearing my tracksuit. Shit. I'm in actual fact wearing what seems like a hospital gown, not the most attractive outfit I've worn but then again, not the ugliest. 

"Kayley, can you hear me?" Andy speaks from out of nowhere. 

"Andy... Where am I?" I act confused and shocked, but also exhausted. 

"The clinic Kayley, we can help you..." He trails off. I can see him standing in the corner holding a brief case. Slowly he opens the case, and inside are rows and rows of syringes. I shudder. 

"Tell me the truth Andy. I'm not stupid!" I cry out. Andy sighs and puts the syringes down, moving closer towards me. 

"Kayley, you're nothing but a stupid, gullible, damaged woman, this is your own fault. This isn't a clinic!" Andy shrieks out hysterically. "This is the end!" He laughs and strokes my forehead. 

"Get your fucking hands off me!" I scream. 

"Run test one: Genetic Mutation Procedure Simple." A voice says. Andy smiles at me whilst he takes out the first needle. God knows what it'll do. Where's Clint? The needle starts edging towards my wrist, getting closer and closer and closer...

I hear gunshots. I hear screams. The needle scrapes my wrist but doesn't go in whilst Andy tumbles to the hard floor. More gunshots. More screams. "Tasha? You did good Tasha." Clint's voice reassures me as he undoes the straps on the chair. "Tasha?" He questions. My vision has gone all blurry. 

"I'm okay." I tremble, getting out of the chair. The straps have left heat rashes all across my body. 

"We need to go now! Before they send in more agents!" Clint rushes me, pushing a gun into my hand. I hear more gunshots. "Run!"

We run out through a pair of double doors and find ourselves in the middle of a large room. No windows. No lights. The room is freezing cold. Clint switches on a torch and shines it around the room, attempting to make out some furniture or figures. Nothing. Suddenly, a spotlight blasts down from the ceiling, shining on yet another chair with straps. A tall, slender figure, basks in the light. She lies, unconscious in the chair, the straps tight across her body. It's Avana Sparks.

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