Waiting For The Right Moment

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Well it looks like I'm making a nother chapter! Yay! Well I guess it's time to read :3

(Uzu Sanageyama POV)

We went upstairs to my room. "So, Sanageyama. Why did you say 'well I guess it's time for one more thing' so weirdly?" Oh yeah, I should really think before I talk. "Oh, sorry about that."

Tiny skip

(Hoka Inumuta POV)

Omg it feels so good...   "TO WIN! HA! I win again. Just give up Sanageyama, you will never win!" "HOW?! I have been practicing for 2 years!" Wait, 2 years, then why does he suck at this? "Well it's not my fault you suck." (DDDAAAMMM) "Let's play a different game! I'm tired of losing at this." Ha! I played every single game on earth, no way going to beat me at this.

Player 2 looses. Player 1 wins
"H-HOW?!" I-I never been beaten at a video game before. "OMG I WIN! I told you that I will beat you at this Inumuta." (If you are wondering what video game they are playing I have no idea so think of a random game like Super Smash Bros or OverWatch or something) "It's no fair! You didn't give me enough lives." "Hoka, I gave us both 3 lives. Just admit it you stink at this." This is no fair at all! I want a second match, I want a second match, I want a second match!!! "I WANT TO PRACTICE!" Wait, I thought I wanted a second match...   wait a minute I could practice and then win! Perfect plan. "Well if you want to practice let me help you~" Help me? I don't need help- "Eh?!"

(No One's POV)

Sanageyama wrapped his arms around Hoka. He put his hands on top of Hoka's hands. "Now, let me teach you how to play~" Hoka's face was red as a tomato. "I-I don't need eny h-help..." "Hmmm, your not useing the right controller." Hoka was confused. "What do you mean? Your supposed to use (name any controller you want), if there is a different controller, what is it?" Sanageyama had a big smile on his face. "My joystick~" Sanageyama whispered in Hoka's ear. Hoka was very surprised. They both sat there in silence until Sanageyama pinned Hoka to the ground. "S-sanageyama, what are you d-doing?!" Hoka said in fear...

To be continued! Sorry for not posting the chapter sooner. School has been getting in the way of things. I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Hoka Inumuta x Uzu Sanageyama (Kill la Kill yaoi)Where stories live. Discover now