the question.

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Melinda May p.o.v- (11 years earlier)

Phil and I walk down the quiet street Street hand in hand, it was dark but still warm. I loved the fall (autumn for non American people like me) it was my favourite time of year, the colours, the food, the crunch of leaves under your boots, being able to sit inside with a hot cup of tea watching the neighbours kids running around. I think that will be Phil and I one day, taking the kids to school and teaching them about life. I've been with Phil for 5 years but I can see us together forever. I'm snapped out of my thought by Phil stopping, I turn around and I see him on one knee a velvet box with a ring inside in his hand "Melinda May, we've been together for 5 years and this is probably overdue, I love you with all of my heart, will you marry me?" I feel my heart beating fast and tears slipping out of my eyes "yes, of course yes!" He stands up leaning in for a kiss while slipping the ring on my finger. We walk along the path further until we sit on the bench. He was still holding my hand and I rested my head on his shoulder. "I have something to tell you" I say looking at my fiance "what?" "I'm pregnant!"

((I know this is short but it's an intro that gives you background information))

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