goodbyes are never easy

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"I'm home" Phil shouts as he enters through our front door "dad" Skye comes running down the stairs and starts telling him about her first day of middle school until she notices the red marks on his cheeks, she notices just as i do. "dad, what happened" she asks and i knew instantly what had happened, he walks over to the sofa and sits down next to me, Skye follow suit. "i got a call from a fried of mine from the army" he pauses taking a deep breath "my friend John passed away" "garret?" i ask and he nods Skye gives her father a hug "Zhè jiāng shì hǎo bàba"(it will be okay dad) i hear her whisper in her dads ear. "Wǒ zhīdào de chǒng'ér" (i know darling)

My daughter never fails to amaze me, she is one of the few people that can make you feel better by just saying a few words, it didn't matter what language she spoke in, she spoke mandarin Chinese and English fluently but was learning Spanish and Russian and was doing really well, especially in Russian - she was learning from 'auntie Nat' one of my best friends. She just has a way with words. "so, how was school?" i hear Phil ask and I decide to go make some dinner.

After dinner Skye went upstairs to her room talking to Jemma on face-time and Phil and i stayed downstairs talking, he's really upset about Garret dying, when Phil was deployed it made me feel better knowing someone there had his back but Phil left and he didn't and it cost him his life. Skye didn't know him but he knew her, he was one of her godparents next to Clint and Natasha but he didn't spend alot of time at home so she doesn't remember him. "you're not going to work tomorrow" "what am i supposed to do all day then?" "grieve" "okay, when do you start tomorrow?" "6 till 6 unless they need me in interrogations then i don't know" "do you think Skye will be up early tomorrow?" "probably not as early, but she is her mothers daughter" he laughs a little "well i'm going to go make sure she's off the phone and is going to bed" "i'll be here" I go upstairs and i see Skye lying in her bed but not asleep "is dad okay?" she asks and i hear the worry in her voice "he will be дорогой" (darling in Russian) " я знал, пап друга?" (did i know dads friend? in Russian) "да, когда вы были ребенком" (yes, when you were a baby- in Russian) "goodnight mom" "goodnight"

The next few days were uneventful and Skye stayed with Jemma on the Saturday of the funeral so that her father could have some quiet. He was upset but was back at work and getting on alright, I was glad he was okay. Skye and Jemma were currently upstairs doing their homework and talking, I was making them some lunch because they had been working for a while. I went upstairs with some pasta and bottles of juice. I went in and sat it down, "working hard?" "Oh yes" Jemma replies "I could hear you laughing downstairs" "it's okay mom, we're finished" Skye assures me although I see her slide her jotter behind her back "okay then" I say eyebrow raised as I leave. As i close the door i hear Jemma scolding Skye telling her that she shouldn't lie, but it makes Skye laugh even more.

(sorry if my translations aren't accurate, i only speak English and i'm learning Spanish)

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