I hate hospitals

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Melinda May P.o.v-

It was at least a week before Skye showed any real signs of life. Natasha and Clint swapped with Phil and I so we could sleep and eat but everything was moving too slowly. The school was closed so Leo and Jemma spent most days sitting in the waiting room, 'just in case she wakes up today' Jemma told us every morning and I would smile a little each time. We all needed the optimism she brings and Leo was 'keeping Jemma company' even though we knew he was there because he felt guilty too. The first movement Skye made was just a twitch of her fingers while Phil was holding her hand, but she didn't do anything else for two days. It was completely heartbreaking watching my daughter lying there, and the doctors weren't very optimistic when they didn't think we were listening, but we were always listening.

When Skye woke up she was in alot of pain and it broke all of our hearts.  The painkillers were put into her drip she was soon sound asleep again. When she woke up properly on her own her voice was quiet "mommy?" she hadn't called me that in years. "it's okay darling, were here" she started crying and i think it's because she's overwhelmed. Phil went to get a nurse while i spoke to her. "Daddy has gone to get you a nurse, it's okay" I kept a strong comforting grip on her hand. The nurse was in the room just seconds later. "Hello there Skye my name is Kayla and I'm your nurse could you rate your pain out if 10 for me?" She looked as though she was concentrating before she answered "8" her voice was scratchy and sounded sore but that was probably the last thing she was thinking about. "I'll speak to your doctor about medication and bring you a glass of water in a few minutes okay?" she nods slowly. "Hey princess" Phil greets Skye with a small smile, I knew he was relieved and terrified, neither of us knew how to act. I decide to act normal. "Is everyone else okay?" Of course Skye was asking that. Shew hadn't even asked about herself. "Yes everyone else is okay, the shooter is in police custody at a hospital but not this one, in fact Jemma and Leo are in the waiting room with your Aunt Tasha and Uncle Clint" She smiled knowing her friends and family were waiting "Can I see them?" I looked to Phil who answered "I'll ask the doctor when they come in." Just as he says that Skye's doctor comes in. "Hello Skye I'm Doctor Hand but you can call me Vicky, you're a very lucky girl but I hear you're in a bit of pain so I'm going to give you some morphine which will make you tired but take the pain away alright?" I went to high school with Victoria Hand and we had spoke more often since Skye was admitted to the hospital. "Victoria would Skye be able to speak to her godparents and her friends? they're in the waiting room and have been for days" Phil wasn't as close to Tori as I was so he didn't use any nicknames but they were friends at school, "I think we can do that but only for a few minutes and I think Mel should go get them so they don't think the worst" Skye smiles because her friends and family were there for her.

Clint, Tasha, Jemma and Leo are all sitting together talking quietly when I walk over. "Skye is awake and was in a bit of pain so she got some morphine but if you'd all like to come see her for a few minutes you can" The group were on their feet and following me in an instant, probably the quickest they had moved in days. "She is attached to some monitors and drips but that's so she can get better quicker but I thought I should tell you" Skye's smile brightens the second her visitors walk into the room, I can see her eyes scanning over her friends making sure they weren't injured, she is fiercely protective of her friends and family. Tasha and Clint kiss her forehead and she is chatting with Jemma and Leo animatedly. She lasts 10 minutes until she nods off to sleep which is when her visitors leave. Phil goes too, he needs to check on his café so he drops off Jemma and Leo. I stay to watch over my little girl while she sleeps. Its going to be a long road for her but she has the right people surrounding her.

Authors note- I apologize for the long wait between updates, I've been rather busy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2017 ⏰

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