action stations.

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It was a normal day, Phil was working in the cafe, Melinda was at work filling out her paperwork, but at around 12 'o' clock in the afternoon Melinda stopped doing paperwork and got geared up. The was an armed man in Skye's school and Melinda had never moved so quickly. She received a text message from Skye and Jemma using their code that they planned just in case this had ever happened. She really wished this wasn't happening.

Skye and Jemma were inside helping a teacher with a boy their age called Leo when the armed man got into the school. Along with the teacher they all locked themselves into a storage cupboard armed with just a pair of scissors each. They turned the light off and silenced their phones while Skye and Jemma messaged Melinda alerting her to the situation. Nobody in the room had ever been in this situation but they had been told what to do before, Leo wondered why he ever moved from and Scotland to somewhere much more dangerous while Jemma did the same. Skye just help onto their hands trying to keep them calm as she knew it was essential to their survival, she didn't even know Leo but he seemed nice and acted kind of like Jemma so she decided that she would befriend him after they got out, she was rather optimistic. On of her many good traits that made her friends feel better.

Skye estimated that they had been in the school cupboard for half an hour when they heard footsteps. They didn't know if it was police or the attacked to they remained silent and hidden. They door burst open and Leo un-voluntarily gasped in fright and fear. The shooter shot twice towards Leo and in a slit second decision Skye jumped in-front of him and she threw her scissors at him, hitting him in the shoulder causing him to drop the small gun which the teacher grabbed. The shooter ran, nobody chased after him. The teacher started administrating first aid but she had never dealt with with an injury this severe and didn't really know what she was doing. Jemma phoned May the second the shooter ran to tell her that he had shot Skye and ran and that they needed to get Skye a paramedic or ambulance. She never mentioned how her only daughter could die but May was fearful and Coulson didn't know anything about the situation.

A few hours later Skye was still in surgery and Melinda was pacing up and down the waiting room. Phil was sitting on a seat watching his wife pace and Jemma and Leo were comforting each other. Leo was in a state of panic and Jemma was very worried about her best friend. It seemed like they had been in the waiting room for days but it had only been hours. Phil was called after Skye reached the hospital, Melinda had called in a state of panic while making sure Jemma and Leo were okay. He was there immediately leaving his manager in charge without explanation. Jemma and Leo were taken to the hospital to be checked over and begged Melinda to stay. Jemma was supposed to stay with them anyway because her parents were out of town on business so Phil called Leo's mum and explained the situation, she said he could stay and that they could call if anyone needed anything. The next person to turn up before any of Skye's doctors came out was Skye's aunt Natasha and uncle Clint, they were really her godparents but she called them aunt and uncle. Natasha had a day off but she usually worked with Melinda and Clint left his gym early to see his niece. They sat down wordlessly, not knowing what to say. Phil decided to call Skye's other godparents Maria and Steve, they were currently deployed. After speaking to Steve and Maria the waiting room became silent again until the doctor came in. They had been waiting for 8 1/2 hours when the doctor finally turned up, Melinda and Natasha sat wordlessly holding onto each others hands with their partners on either side and the kids across from them. "Family of Skye Coulson?" the doctor asked and everyone looked over to the doctor, Clint stood up and asked the question they all wanted an answer to yet dreaded knowing the answer. "Is Skye going to be okay?" "i'm sorry but at this point we don't know, she's in a coma, the bullets perpetrated her abdomen, we were able to repair the damage to an extent but we don't know if it was a success" Jemma was crying and so was Leo. "we're very sorry, She is currently in ICU so only two people can see her and they must be related so we recommend that you go home and get some rest." Natasha and Clint gave Phil and Melinda a hug and said that the kids can go back to their house as they have spare rooms and left. Melinda and Phil spent the night in the corridor out side their only daughters ICU room. They were terrified for her, they were in shock and all they could do is hope that she'd be okay.

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