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Vicki POV

School finally ended and i decided to walk back home and not take the offer of Grayson's. I heard something last year he fucked a lot of juniors and and even seniors just for fun. Quick fucks and all. No feelings. Im guessing he makes sex deals? Whatever.
I kicked rocks and stomped on leaves out of my boredom until i reached to my house. Jace was playing with his dinosaurs as Mom was taking her keys from the counter.

"Bye honey! See you maybe 11? Or midnight." She kissed my foreheard and closed the door. Ethan didnt arrive until a half an hour later. I had some alone time by myself. I took a quick shower and took out Chase's sweater he will never get back and topped it off with gym shorts.

"You need explanations right now." Ethan hoffed as he slammed the door.

Jace covered his ears and looked at me. "You know theres a child here that doesnt need to see or hear your anger." I picked Jace up and brought him to his playroom and closed the door. I walked out and pulled out he milk carton that was expiered a day ago.

"So you think nothing happened this morning."

"Oh something happened this morning, i just need to hear some of your explanations too of why you went into a janitors closet with some random chick. A quick fuck? Great. There's two on the list and they are from the same family-"

"So you saw? Why didnt you fucking tell me!" Ethan banged his fist on the counter table. I think it cracked.

"You wont even care to tell me who was that bitch?! Fine you want an answer? Here take this." I dumped milk on his head, "i have more if you wa-"

"Why were you with grayson?" Ethan puffed trying not to turn red.

"Why didnt you tell me about him?" I spat back at him.

"Because he was the one who brought into that bitch! I got her fucking pregnant last year and we tried almost everything to kill it! I gave up because she was finally the bitch on her damn period for months. And now, im going to be a dad soon!" He screamed at my face.

Ethan's POV

"Because he was the one who brought into that bitch! I got her fucking pregnant last year and we tried almost everything to kill it! I gave up because she was finally the bitch on her damn period for months! And now, im going to be a dad soon." I screamed at her face with milk still dripping in my hair.

A tear fell out of her eye. "Y-you wanted it to be dead?"

"Yes! The worst mistake ever. Now answer my damn question. Why were you with Grayson." I let my mouth spit words it wanted.

"I-i," she breathed in and straightend her posture, "i think you should leave." She walked past me and opened the front door.
I turned around looking at her thinking of what else i couldve done to her. I grabbed my bag from the floor and headed out the door into my car. "Your answer to your question," i stopped in my tracks, "Grayson isnt immature and stupid like you." And heard a slam of door behind me.

Well at least i got my answer.

Vicki's Pov (sorry for switching a lot).

I ran to the playroom and hugged Jace for the longest time, crying.

"I-im so sorry for you having to listen." I let my tears fall onto his shirt behind.

"Are you okay?" He hugged back.

"Yes. I just didnt want to you to hear what was going on."

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