So This Is Love?

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Until of course, Author had to fuck it up.

A street or two before before Dai Lane- Owf road (honestly, who named these roads?)- had, for a while now, its own little romance blossoming between neighbors.

There was Penelope; young and sweet, only 17, she loved to dance and jive at the neighborhood bbqs, you knew of her, shared a few words here and there. She was nice.

And there was Marcus. Previously Noemi, Marcus was a trans boy from Sicily who was very open about his experiences in realizing his gender.

Marcus and Penelope lived across the street from each other for most of your life, you always remember them being there, playing in the neighborhood pool or park or riding bikes around the street. Darren was around there age, so often the three of them would hang out.

They'd been in that horrid stage between platonic and romantic relations since thet were 15, and just last week, having gone unnoticed by you and your busy life, they'd finally started going out, offically boyfriend and girlfriend.

You only found this out when you saw the two of them in front of the car dancing beautifully.

Penelope's long chestnut hair was pulled up in a tight bun, a long light blue dress swaying as Marcus- who was dressed smartly in what appeared to be a white officers uniform- led her in a silent yet meaningful dance on the pavement. A waltz echoed through the neighborhood, easily reaching your ears. The visage was breathtaking, the setting sun casting glimmers of warmth through their intimate embrace as they swayed, their dark eyes locked sweetly.

You looked at them like they were idiots, and tbh, what kind of intelligent person would be dancing in the middle of the street?

Unbeknownst to you, Charles' eyes went wide when she heard a beautiful yet familiar sweep of an orchestra. Turning her head sharply to glare at Ali, she ordered him. "Headphones, her, now."

"Wha-?" Ali's confused response was only met with a quick flame of Charles' menecing magenta eyes. Frankly, it looked hella cool to you, and you would've said something, but you weren't speaking to her yet. You could feel Ali stiffen at her harsh and demanding glare, before the familiar sensation of earbuds in your ears. A very loud song you couldn't name was veing blared into your ears, and you tried to remove them, only to have Ali clamp his hands over your ears, efficiently blocking out any sound.

Now fully deaf, you couldn't hear the beautiful melody that began to pour from Penelope's lips.

"So this is love?" She sang, the sound easily reaching the ears of the uneffected demons- and Ciel, who's eyes had become transfixed on the dancing girl. "So this is love? So this is what makes life- devine? I'm all aglow- and now I know-"

You couldn't hear the words, but you assumed it was romantic by the tender way Marcus held Penelope as the measure flowed from her lips, gentle and sweet.

Breaking your eyes from the enviable visage, you glanced to your roommate to find bottom lip between his teeth as his glossed baby blues were transfixed on the radient dancers. As the baritone voicenof the transitioning male echoed out beautifully, Ciel leaned foreward, almost crawling between the elder demons to get nearer to the singers.

"The key, to all Heaven, is mine-" The couple's romantic melodious tune harmonized, leaving the stunned bluenette in rapture as he leaned farther still.

Charles held up a hand to pause the boy from continuing past her, saying something to the raven haired demon beside her. With obviously inhuman ease, he drove the car past the dancing couple, continuing down Owf Rd.

Ciel immediately dove back to the backseat and leaned as far as he could towards the still singing couple, the expression painted upon his face one of yearning and unabashed want.

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