chapter 3

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Jace's P.O.V

Me and Clary was in my room when she told me she was pregnant. we just sat on my bed  in silence. I was happy to be having a child with the love of my life.But i cant let it show not now anyways. shes devastated about either this or something else I'll ask her later, then some one rang the door bell. I grabbed her hand a lead her to the front door.

We got down stairs to find Iz and Alec there already. They just stood there arguing about something stupid. So I open the door. all I could see was smoke. " Its either very foggy outside or it's just Magnus". "Move out my way glow stick" he said pushing me out the way.

" Ummm why are you here" I asked.

" Isabelle called me and told me what happened with Clary. I am just here to make sure if she really is.......... you know what" he answered.

I guess Iz and Alec stopped fighting cause I didn't hear anymore yelling. I turned around to face Clary but she had her head down and her hand over her stomach. 

This is all my fault I thought.

Magnus walked up to her and asked what's wrong. He moved closer to her and put a hand on her stomach.

Five minutes later he had a small grin on his face and said " your 3 weeks pregnant". she bursted into tears and I ran to her side to calm her down.

Clary's P.O.V.

Jace took me back up stairs.  we was walking to his room when Maryse came running down the hall. she stopped right in front of us " you library.".

we got there and she handed me a letter addressed to me.

Dear little sister

I heard the great news.


But I want to tell you will be coming after what is actually mine.

I will kill your friends and family if they get in my way.

And as for angel boy he will get the worst death possibly imagined and make you watch. But for now see you soon.

From J.C.M

The letter fell of my hand and the world around became dark. The last thing I remember seeing is jace.

Birds chirping and the sky is blue

without a clould in the sky.

Its so peaceful. 

I hear rushing water.

I turn around to find lake lyn and a figure standing in fornt of it looking across the water. it looks like jace.

I walk and stand next to him.

A smile appears on my face.

Two warm arms wrap around my waist.

"I see your enjoying yourself little sister".

I turn around and see him.

My brother.  Sebastian. ( or Jonathon. whatever you want to call him).

"what do you want" I spat.

" You" he said walking toward me.

He grabbed my shoulders and spun me around. I saw a limp body on the ground .

" Jace " I whispered.  " Yes now you see what I will do if I don't get what I want".

I ran over to him and fell at his side. " Jace , Jace Jace. wake up. please for me."

He didn't move. I cried into his shoulder.

"Clary. Clary wake up" a voice said. It sounds like Jace. My eyes pop open and I notice where I was. I was in the infirmary. I see his face with gold eyes looking worried and scared.  "Jace" I choke out tears steaming down my cheeks. He pulls me into a hug. A hug I never want to get out of.

He pulls away and kisses me.

" Clary. Never. do. that .again" he said in between kisses.

" I thought you were die".

"No why would you think that" he asked.

I told him about the dream.



" what" he questioned me.

" Just don't do anything stupid and get yourself killed .ok" I told him.

He agreed and kissed me.

Sebastian's P.O.V.

" You will be mine dear sister.

Angel boy will pay and suffer. He will learn to never cross me again." I said to myself with an evil grin.

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