chapter 6

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One Month later

Jace's P.O.V.

Clary has been acting weird but she always says its nothing. But I hope this afternoon will make her talk. This afternoon I planned for us to have a picnic in the park and I also have a special surprise for her.It's now 11:30 Jace walks to Clarys room to make sure she was ready for their picnic. He knocks on the door. " clary are u ready yet or is Iz torturing you again" he asked with a smirk. She opened the door and answered " no. no she is not".

"ook then lets go" he said  offering her his hand in the process. She took it and they made their way to the park. They ate they laughed they smiled and they talked. They had the time of their lives but what they didn't know was that the day of their lives was about to turn into a nightmare.  But mostly Clary's worst nightmare.

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