Young Hearts Beat Stupid

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The Carousel of Inferiority and the Complex I Have (1)

Sitting in my bed but I don't want to sleep

I'll filter my brain and try to not think

I missed the party, but I could see them drunk

I put my blocky headphones on

Everything is a background noise

But my depressing, unwanted voice

In my claustrophobic head

He said: "I wish you were dead"

What's the difference, I already am

No one can hear me but my stupid conscience

My heart's racing but I'm resting in bed

Too many thoughts go through my head

With all these thoughts you'd think I was smart

I'm not, everything is falling apart

And I called her far away:

"Tell one of my friends that I said hey"

I maybe meant it more than likely

That won't make my friends start to like me

And I am always in bed

I don't know what I'm resting, because I feel dead

And I am always awake

I just sit in silence and hope my friends aren't fake

Petrified that I left them behind

Then I remember they were never on time

I would start crying, there's no time for that

I need to lay in my bed more and never laugh

Why do we laugh

Why does nothing seem to match

Like they did

Funny, I'm still a kid

Smiling into the mirror

Reflecting all of my fears

Looking out onto the dance floor

I stay in bed, won't live out my horrors

I'm so lonely, but it is my home

I am so damn crazy

I'm in bed, but that's ok

I'm never asleep anyway

And I am always in bed

I don't know what I'm resting, because I feel dead

And I am always awake

I just sit in silence and hope my friends aren't fake

Petrified that I left them behind

Then I remember they were never on time

I would start crying, there's no time for that

I need to lay in my bed more and never laugh

Why do we laugh

Why does nothing seem to match

Probably Something ClicheWhere stories live. Discover now