Chapter XVII: I'm sorry

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@LenMaze 6:24 pm
I'm sorry.

I stare at this last message. It can't mean what I think it means. No, it's not possible. I'm shaking, she didn't do it, why would she? I showed her I was here for her, she's not alone anymore.

@tylerrjoseph 6:26
Lenna? What are you sorry for?

6:27 pm
Lenna answer me.

6:30 pm
Lenna please?

I'm siting on the couch, I try to get her on the phone but it goes to voice mail every single time. I get up and walk in circles my phone on my hands.

"What's wrong Tyler?" Jenna asked entering in the room.

I stop in front of her and get my hand on my hair.

"It's... It's Len... Lenna." I managed to say. "She..." I take a deep breath to calm myself down. "She's not answering anymore.

-Maybe she's busy?" Jenna tried.

"I don't think so. Look."

I gave her my phone and she goes to sit down on the couch the phone on her hands. I stay behind the couch walking in circles in the room my hands over my hair.

"I should've called her sooner. I shouldn't have waited for her last message." I blame myself as I wait for my wife's reaction on the messages. I'm pretty sure she did something serious.

"Indeed she doesn't seem well in the messages. But why do you think she tried to do something?" Jenna asks me as she makes a gesture for me to sit next to her. "You told me she used to cut herself, maybe the "I'm sorry." only means that she's sorry for hurting herself?"

I look into her blue eyes. She's trying to console me when she knows that I'm not that wrong. I wish I was but something is telling me that I'm not.

"Her Not Today's reference, I don't know what to think." She hands me the phone back and I lock it. "I don't know what to do, I want to make sure that's she's okay but she doesn't reply.

-She told you her parents were arguing, maybe they haven't noticed something's wrong. You have their number right?" Jenna asked.

"I think."

I unlock the phone and look for any of her parents' contact on my contact list.

"Here it is!" I shouted. "I'm gonna call them."

Jenna nods and I stand before getting the phone on my ear. Someone answers after three ring-tones.

* Phone Call *

"Hello?" A woman's voice said in the other side.

"Cassie? It's Tyler.

-Oh Tyler." She answered weirdly. "Is everything okay?"

I look at Jenna and scratch the back of my head. How am I supposed to tell her that her daughter might just tried to commit suicide?

"Did you got it there safely?" I ask.

"Ye- yes everything went just fine. Lenna didn't send you a message?

-Uh,yes she did, but she didn't answered me. Could I talk to her?"

I scratch the back of my head again trying to remain calm, I don't want to seem too worried on my voice, I hear her going up stares, I breath, I try to maintain my breathing regular and silent.

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