Chapter XXIII: Preparing a Surprise

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"I'm telling it was a weird trip." Josh said.

"Just because she kept getting calls from Jay?

-Not only that! She was acting weird. Look." Josh straightens up in the couch. " I know she's your sister okay, but I need you as my best friend right now. She was weird, I had this feeling that she was hiding something from me. Why wouldn't she tell me it was Jay?"

I shrug and sight before looking the time on my phone. With Josh we're waiting for Lenna's class to be over so I can call her school for the bullying project.

"I have no idea why Josh. Jay doesn't like you, that's pretty clear for everyone in our family okay? Maybe he was trying to ruin your trip, and he clearly did since you can't stop thinking about it.

-Com'on Ty'! You know that I'm not wrong. Something isn't okay." Josh lays back again and I shrug again.

"Maybe Josh isn't completely wrong Tyler." Jenna said sitting on the couch next to Josh. "Madison was indeed acting weird yesterday. I had her on the phone and she seemed kinda nervous about something.

-THANK YOU!" Josh shouts standing up. "At least someone in this room believes me.

-I've never said I didn't believe you Josh. I said I didn't know." I lean my head back for some seconds before talking. "Look I know I'm not being actually very useful, but I can't keep away that's my sister and my brother we're talking about. I grew up with those two, they've always being weird together. And I'm sure the fact that Maddy was weird was because Jay was making her feeling nervous because of your situation with him." I said with a calm voice.

"Yeah, whatever." Josh shrugs annoyed. "Time will tell I guess... Anyway, we have something else to focus on right now." He said checking the time. "Are you coming with us Jenna?

-Nope, I can't go... Unfortunately, I miss Lenna but I can't make it this time." My wife said sadly.

"I'll be sure she knows you really wanted to go." I said smiling. "I'm gonna call the school." I said grabbing my phone as I stood up.

*Phone call*

"Saint-Louis High School." A female voice said on the other side.

"Good afternoon, I'd like to talk with teacher Miss Seth please. Is she there?

-Just one second please."

I look around and stare at Josh and Jenna talking to each other about Madison. I did not agree with Josh complaining about my siblings when I told him he could date Maddy.

"Hello? Miss Seth on the phone, who is this?

-Oh, uh good afternoon Miss Seth. I'm Tyler Joseph, I'm calling you about one of your students.

-Uh, Tyler... Joseph? As the lead singer of Twenty One Pilots?" She asked hesitating what made me smile.

"Yes, the one and only. I believe you might have heard about me and my band mate by one of your students am I right?

-Ye-yeah, Lenna Maze told me she's friends with you. What can I do for you...


-What can I do for you Tyler?"

I was smiling so much that my cheeks were starting to hurt. I was really excited about this.

"Well, Lenna told me that she talked with you about my video What's your story, and since it's happening next week and we are on break from our tour, we thought, why not talk in person?

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