Chapter XXI: She's the Tear In My Heart

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I was peacefully siting on my couch watching a TV show when Jenna gets in the living room.

"Already up?" She asks before kissing me.

"Yeah, you know that when we get from tour I always have some trouble on waking up before 8 am." I said smiling.

"Uhm Uhm. Did you already have breakfast?" My wife asks heading to the kitchen.

She was wearing my white t-shirt, falling down on her legs. Her hair was a mess, she looked adorable.

I stand up and go to the kitchen to keep her company as she eats her breakfast, I take an apple.

"Are you going out with Josh today?

-Uh... Nope, either way he's leaving for Washington DC for three days with Madison. I'll be all yours for three whole days." I said with a romantic voice before taking a bite on my apple.

-You're romantic today, Josh should go on lover's trip more often with Madison, his absence makes you romantic." Jenna says before kissing me. " To commemorate that, you can go buy me more cereals, they're over."

I laugh hard, and I thought she was going to say something serious.

"Why are you laughing? Are you making fun of me?

-No, no!" I said laughing. "I just thought you would say something more... How can I say it... Commemorative." I give her a glare that changed my sentence's meaning.

"Like..." She she crosses her arms around her chest, amused, a smile on her face.

"Like... I don't know, champagne maybe... But well, if it's cereals that you want, cereals you'll get!" I stand up laughing, when I leave the kitchen I hear her laughing. I stopped to listen to her laugh, I've missed her so much.

I go to our room and get a blue t-shirt, black jeans and my black shoes. I take a look really quick in the mirror after washing my face, I get my fingers in my hair to brush it. I know Jenna loves it when it's messy.

"Babe?" I call her as I get out of the bathroom.

"The living room!

-Tell me,are you on planning to go somewhere today?" I asked her, in a just asking way.

"Yeah, I'm going to visit my parents really quick, why you want to come?" She leaned back her head so she could see me.

"No. Just to know." I shrugged. "Say hi to your parents for me then. I'm gonna get your cereals." I kiss her forehead before gettin my phone and keys. "Text me when you're about to come home.

-Okay, love you!" She shouted before I closed the door behind me.

I get in my car and rub my hands. Today I'm gonna surprise her, since when she goes to her parents' she spents the whole day there, I have plenty of time to prepare my back home surprise. But first let's buy her cereals.

I'm feeling happy, better than I was four days ago, I was missing Jenna so much. It isn't easy to live so much time a part from the one you love. The life of an artist isn't always easy.

It was 1pm when I finally got home, after buying the cereals and a lot of other stuff I'm finally home. The house is empty, I put the shopping bags in the kitchen and get myself the last pizza that was in the fidge. I eat my pizza as I go through my Twitter timeline. I see that my sister mentioned me in one of her tweets.


@tylerrjoseph Where were you last Saturday?

At first I didn't get what she meant but then I reminded that she was skyping with Josh when I when to take a shower. 


I was taking a bath.

I answer her, then I keep on going through my timeline, full of drawings and work done by the Clique. There's some which are repeated but every person is different, what makes all the works, even identical but different. I send Lenna a message and she answered me few time after and we talk for a short time. Around 5pm, Jen' sends me a text saying she's leaving in 30 minutes. Since there's 1h30 of road between her parents' place and ours, I have exactly 2h to prepare everything.

I get the shopping bags from the table and get the meat, pasta and all the other ingredients. I'm going to prepare some pasta with fresh creme, mushrooms and a good beef, the all with a good red wine. For dessert I got an apple pie that Jenna loves with champagne. I'm not good on buying this kind of drinks, but from the price I think it's a good one. 

I go take a shower once everything ready, I get a white shirt and my black suit-pants, along with my black shoes. I head out to the bathroom and get a quick shower, and I get the razor on my face to shave. I get the moisturizing cream on my face. A towel around my waist, I go dress up in the bedroom. It was 6:40 pm, everything was ready. I decorated the table with a red tablecloth, our white kitchenware and the wine glasses. I lighted up some candles, the room is now drown in the candles' light. 

I was setting the music up when I heard the car getting parked in front of the house, I get the stereo system's remote control and run towards the door. When I hear the keys, I turn the stereo system on and a slow and romantic music filled the room, I open the door to my lover. 

A "Tyler..." slips out of her lips when she gets inside, her face shows surprise and that makes me cry. Her eyes are glowing. She liked it. I tell myself. She looks at me, her hands run down my shirt and she kisses me. We kiss languorously for a few minutes I make her come inside by turning around and close the door behind me, I don't want the neighbors to see this.

"Madam is hungry?" I asked her taking her hand before I kiss it.

"Very hungry...

-Then could you please follow me." 

I  pull her into the living room, and increase the music's volume and pull her a chair so she can sit. I serve pasta and take a sit in front of her.

"It's-It's wonderful Ty..." Jen' tells me as she takes my hand. "You worked hard on this. You already had all this planned when you asked me if I was going out this morning?

-Yes..." I said with a small smile on the coner of my face. "I misse you so much this two last months, you can't imagine how hard it was for me." 

She simply tightens my hand harder and smiles. Her beautiful and perfect smile, I can't explain the way I feel everytime she smiles, I fall in love every single time. 

We kept o talking about random things. We lived moments, like the first time we met, our first real date, the moment I proposed her, our wedding, the moments we spent together on vacations, no one else but us. At this exact moment, my world stopped in her, this woman with blue eyes that said yes one year and half ago already. My wife. My soulmate. The one who I wrote my first "love" song for, at the age of 25. The one who helps me deal, day and night, with my fears and insecurities, the one who makes me smile in the morning and wipes my tears late at night. The one I'd die for, if I knew she'd stay alive. My oxygen, my water, my life.

"It was delicious." She says ending her champagne cup. "You're pretty good in the kitchen after all.

-That's not my only secret, I'm pretty good at other things too." I said with a small smile in the corner, for all answer I got a laugh.

"Why won't you show them to me?" She answers leaning over the table to take my chin in her hand.

"I'll follow you..." I said following her into the room, after turning off the candles. 

Annyeonghaseyo! How's everybody? A small chapter at the end of the week :) I can't tell you how much I love this chapter! I love Tyler and Jenna, I can't tell you how thankful I am that Jenna's here for Tyler! So here's a chapter to honnor the most beautiful couple on earth!

I'm not gonna lie, I cried. Cry with me please!

And it's with this adore chapter that I'll say see you next week! (or if you're lucky next Monday ;) )

Stay Alive |-/ 

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