Breakfast and News

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Kami's POV

We were eating at IHop. "OK, I have something to tell you." Louis said after our food got here.

"Oh yah, and what is that'" I asked.

" So basically I am famous, so is Niall,Harry,Zayn, and Liam we are one direction. I just wanted to tell you. I hope that doesn't scare you." Louis said.

" It doesn't scare me. I know how to handle it because of Austin. Olivia, Anna and I get hate because we are girls and some of his fans think either I am dating him or Olivia or Anna. but it doesn't affect us. So no it doesn't scare me." I said.

"OK, I thought you wouldn't want to hang." Louis said.

"Its cool." I said.

"Tonight we have a benefit concert. So I was wondering if you and everyone wanted to go?" He asked.

"Sure. We can't tell then you guys are performing. It would be like a surprise and at what time." I asked.

" 7:30, we have to go early but I will send a car and put your names on the list." Louis said.

"OK." I said then we finished eating.

We payed and left. I went back to the room because the boys had to leave. I opened the door and was tackled in a hug. Austin and Alex.

" We missed you Kami." They said.

"Guys I was only gone for wow 4 hours. I didn't know I was gone that long." I said.

" I know you didn't even tell us." Austin said as he fake cried.

"Oh Austin I so sorry. Can you ever forgive me?" I asked with puppy eyes.

"Of course." Austin said.

" How about you Alex?" I asked.

"Yes." He said as he pulls  me and Austin into another hug.

" OK where are the girls, I have something to tell you guys." I said.

"They are in the living room." Alex said.

"OK come on boys." I said.

" OK, guys we are going to a concert tonight around 7:30. so be ready by  7:00." I said.

"Who's concert?" Anna asked.

" Its a surprise." I said.

"OK " Olivia said.

" We have o crap 4 hours." I said.

" OK I call the bathroom first." Anna said running to the bathroom.

"Me too." Alex said leaving  and running almost tripping.

Olivia and Austin and I started laughing.

" Hey, it's not funny wait till it happens to hi guys."Alex said and left.

" I also call the bathroom." Austin said going to his room.

"Great me and you have to wait. " I said to Olivia.

"Yupp." Olivia said.

" So are you going to tell me who is playing at the concert?" She asked.

"No, but you will be surprised." I said.

" So you were gone for like 4 hours. You going to tell me what you were doing." Olivia asked.

" We went to eat, then we walked around for a little while." I said.

"Is that all?" Olivia asked.

"Yah." I said.

" Is that all?" She said.

"Maybe, maybe not."I said.

"What-" Olivia was cut off by a knock at the door.

" I will get it."Olivia  said as she walked over to the door.

" Hello" Olivia said.

"Yah, she is here. Hold on." She said as she walked over here.

" Louis is at the door." She said walking in to her room.

"OK" I said walking over to the door.

" Hey" I said shutting the door behind me.

Hey, the car will be here about 7:10 and here are the backstage passes." He said handing me the passes.

"OK. Thanks. " I said.

"Your welcome. see you soon."  he said.

" O and Kami." He asked.

" Yes." I said.

Then he kissed me.

"Bye Kami " He said.

"Bye Louis." I said walking back in the hotel room.

"What did he want?" Olivia asked.

"OMG you scared me. I thought you were in the room." I said.

"Sorry I came out when you came back in the hotel." Olivia said.

" Anyway he wanted to tell me what time the car will be here."  I said.

" OK, well Austin is out he said you can use his bathroom." Olivia said.

"OK. "  I said. I walked into mine and. Alex's room to grab clothes for the concert. I put the passes in my suitcase. So no one will find them. Then I went to Austin's bathroom.

Austin's POV

Kami and Alex are still in the shower. I went into the girls room Anna just got .

" Hey, girls I found out we're their parents work. They work for a magazine company. I am going to call and see if one of them answer." I said.

"OK, let us know".They said.

Olivia's POV

Austin went to call Kami nd Alex's parents. Kami is out of the shower but Alex is still in the bathroom. Now we are  blow drying our hair.

Alex and Kami are now out of the bathroom. US girls are ready. Now we are waiting  for the boys.

Kami's POV

We are waiting for Alex and Austin. They are taking longer then us girls.

"Austin and Alex hurry up."  I yelled down the hall.

"OK we are coming." They said.

" The car will be here in 5 minutes." I said.  I had the passes with me.

" OK" Austin said.

We are now in the car. After finally getting them out of the hotel.

we arrived and I gave them the passes. We made our way back stage.

" Ladies and gentlemen. please welcome to the stage One Direction." Then the boys came running on stage. The girls Austin and Alex were so surprised.

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