This is What I Hate---

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You know that person?

Yeah, that person?

Me too.

Okay I apologize

Anyway, wanna know what I hate?

Well, think about this; two people hate each other's guys so much, and they have been fighting for a long time. One of these people is you.

Now, imagine one of your friends coming up and trying to help you, but they get ONE hateful comment from the other person in the fight. ONE hateful comment.

Then your friend starts making it a big thing as if it's just them two fighting, and THEN they make fucking art for it and shit, put it up on all website accounts, like dude.

"Sorry, but why the fuck are you doing this?"

"Because they were being rude to me!"

"I've been dealing with this for at least two months."




How much more annoying can you get?

For example, this has been happening for two weeks with one of my friend's (whose name I won't mention), but it's really starting to piss me the fuck off.

If you know who you are

Stop it. It's fûcking annoying.

End of rant

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