'Personal' Thingy

39 6 23

Well, here's the thing you were all probably waiting for;

The time I was... Sexually harassed.



Some people may find this a bit off-putting.
If you're sensitive and anxious during sexual scenes, please leave.

Okay, so...

I had just broken up with my friend, @TheFluffyThing, Ethan (who I haven't added on my new account yet. Dang) but we were still friends. We weren't going to let something as silly as a break-up get between us.

So we were at school, and Ethan wanted to introduce me to his friend Shaun. I was in Year 7 and he was in Year 9 (I'm in Year 8 now), but I was fine making friends with people who were older than me. As long as it was up to Year 9, because that was where my sister was.

So we talked for a bit, then the school buzzer went off, signalling our last lesson. Ethan and I said bye to him, and left.

Shaun seemed like a funny guy. He was kind too. (((Before anyone would say this, no, I would not have dated him. I don't date people more than a year older than me, and I didn't at that time either.))) I could see us as good friends.

Then the weekend came, but nothing special. Just a Wattpad-Weekend as I like to call it.

But then, the day of Horror;


Not only was it the day to go back to school, oh no, but something... Horrific happened.

So I was on the bus on my way to school, and I got a text from Ethan. At least, the contact had his name.

Ethan: Hi Cerys, it's Shaun, please go out with me! I love you so much!!! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

(((Please don't call me Cerys guys, call me Silver. I may tell you guys the reason why I hate my name at the end of this story, so, stay tuned I guess??)))

Me: Ethan, this isn't funny. You know that shit freaks me out. 😂

Ethan: No, it's Shaun. I've got Ethan's phone.

I partly believed and didn't believe. Ethan wasn't as good with his punctuation, whereas 'Shaun' was fully-learnt. I just decided to listen to music instead of replying. Hatsune Miku >w<

So after the bus ride, I jumped off, and saw Ethan. Ethan was on the same bus as Shaun too, another reason to be scared.

"Hey, Ethan, please tell me that was a prank."


"The texts on your phone?"

"I didn't send any texts, but I saw that Shaun had my phone and I took it off him."

That made me shiver. "Ethan, please look at the messages he sent me."

He did just that and I saw him laugh. I growled under my breath and huffed. "Please Ethan, just take me to where Shaun usually is and I can know if you're pulling my leg or not."

He nodded, and he took me to the corner of the school. And there was Shaun, standing there, running in circles. He looked deranged.

So Ethan and I walked up to him, I was obviously nervous. I was a few steps behind.

"Shaun, please tell Cerys that you sent those messages."

He instantly looked at me with this lovesick puppy smile, or at least, that's the smile I saw it as at the time. Now I think of it as an 'I'm Gonna Make You Fuck Me' face.

He nodded with a shriek. "Yes, that was me!"

I felt my lip quiver in fear, something about this seemed wrong, and so did the dent in his jeans (not that I was staring). So I just walked away without saying a word.

Since classes hadn't started yet, I sat down next to my best friend Naomi and just cried. I cried in fear. What else could I have done, told a teacher? No, they were shit for helping kids. Last time I asked for help was when I was being bullied, I got told 'Don't hit them, you'll get an after-school detention and isolation.'

So Naomi asked what was wrong and I spewed everything out. When I was done, I wasn't crying anymore, my eyes were all puffy and red.

But then, my 'favourite' bully came along. Tommy Diaper. (((Yes that is his real last name jfc))). He smirked at me. "What's been getting your knickers in a twist, Cerys?"

I growled at them. "Nothing, just go away."

Surprisingly, they did just that. And the buzzer rang.

Let's have a Timeskip though, to when it was lunch break and the computer room was open, and Slither.io was the new craze.

Why did I have to go in there?

So, I was playing Slither.io, and Shaun came up to me. I instantly felt myself freeze and let my snake thing die. I didn't look at him.

"C-Cerys, you know that message I sent you?"


"Please talk to me."


"*sigh*. Well, it's true. I like you. Can you go out with m-"

I spun around and interrupted him. "Thanks, but I'm not... Interested in you. You're too old for me, and I've only known you for two days."

He nodded, as if he understood, and I felt like that would be it. That he would just walk away and leave. But no, he didn't.

He began to rest his head on my shoulder, and I didn't move. I was terrified, frozen of shock and fear. He forced me to hold his hand, I couldn't pull away. I tried and tried, but I was just silent. I couldn't call out for help. My eyes were watering and I was whispering Ethan's name for help, but he didn't hear. He then began to slide his hand under my shirt, and I felt his nails prick at my bra. He then neared my ear even more and bit down once, and that was when I finally took action.

I shoved him off of me, and picked up my stuff and ran out of the room crying, though nobody noticed except Ethan and Shaun.

My ear hurt, I felt uncomfortable, I felt invaded. I felt like I had just lost my virginity, even though I hadn't fucked him. And I didn't want to.

I did the one thing I thought would sort it out. My sister is incredibly popular in my school, but I'm the opposite. So I ran up to her in tears and explained everything. So she gathered her 'squad' (literally at least 100 people), and they were all on the hunt.

Ethan ran up to me and told me that Shaun was looking for me, and I felt myself cry more. He also said that Rhys (a good friend) had been knocked out. I asked him to check on Rhys while I hid in they school toilet room, basically sobbing like a pussy.

I was in the toilet room for the rest of the day, and I was even hoping to stay in for my last lesson.

((Guys, I'm just gonna continue this later, because I'm really not in the mood.))

S/MB |Twat Boi|Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin