I'm Pretty Damn Upset/Ticked Off

73 11 8

Okay, so keep in mind that I don't have Facebook.

So, about ten minutes ago I'd say, I heard my sister sniffling in the bathroom. I was about to call and ask if she was okay, when she told me to come in.

She told me that one of my beloved cats died just a few hours ago. How did I not know this? This is because my mum and dad split up, two separate houses, blah-dy-blah, so I was in my mum's house, and my cat lived at my dad's.

So I'm not a soft person when it comes to expressing my emotions, I'm not an easy crier. So I said, "I'm sad and all, but why weren't we told about this?"

My sites just shrugged her shoulders and replied, "I saw a Facebook update with our step-mum's (who lives with my dad) status that said 'heartbroken'. So I went onto her account and saw that our cat passed away."

So I was pretty pissed, because when her sister died, we were notified. But, oh no, when my favourite cat dies, I shouldn't know!

Of course, I feel miserable for the cat, but I usually show my sadness as anger. I apologise I'm not more sad.

But, you can understand why I'm pretty fucked off.

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