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PROMPT #1: Describe Maine and Alden from their pet's point of view.


I remember the early days before we met Maine. I was strong, energetic. RJ and I would work out together every day—he was very disciplined.

After Yaya Dub came into the picture, I began having weak spells. There were times when I could do nothing but stay frozen in place, trembling. That day in early September, I was backstage with RJ, waiting for his cue. We really thought we were going to meet her for the first time, but the plywood wall came out of nowhere and put an end to that. Not gonna lie, I got a little bit bruised as RJ pounded his fists and hurled his body against it, but nothing compared to the pain he must have felt. Some people think that was just really good acting, but I don't think so. In my humble opinion, the disappointment he felt was real. I felt so sorry for him as he sobbed liked a five-year-old child deprived of his favorite toy, but all I could do was be there for him and let him lean his hand on me while he cried.

One week later, I came into contact with Maine for the very first time. It was only for a brief moment, downstairs, in the Broadway parking lot. For one fleeting second, I brushed against her smooth skin—I felt myself buckle and it was all I could do to keep myself from collapsing. RJ felt it too—that strange, dizzying, exhilarating sensation. I began to look forward to seeing more of Maine.

Two weeks later, I was at my weakest. I knew I had to be strong for RJ, but it took everything I had not to give.

I supported him just fine as he tearily sang God Gave Me You, but once we got to the mansion—let's just say I was on the verge of a total breakdown.

Lola Nidora wouldn't let us within a foot of Maine, but it was enough just to be near her. As they sat in the dining room, eating cake and pansit, I stayed obediently under the table. RJ's happiness radiated down to me, and despite my weakness, I felt content and oh, so joyful inside.

On the 24th of October, as RJ serenaded Maine in front of an arena of 55,000 people, I was there too. When he sang the words, "In your arms I'm someone new," I dropped to the ground and kissed it in gratitude, because he was so happy and blessed.

In February, I got my 15 seconds of fame when RJ mentioned me on Tonight with Arnold Clavio. That was a funny moment.

These days, Maine touches me a lot more often, the warmth of her soft palm seeping through the fabric RJ keeps me wrapped in. She has a habit of resting her hand on me when she's happy and relaxed; of playfully swatting at me whenever RJ tells a corny joke; of squeezing me gently when he's nervous and on edge, or when she knows he has a lot on his mind. When she is not around, I feel normal, but as soon as she walks into the room—or even when I know she's somewhere nearby—it's like I've been exposed to kryptonite, and I feel myself start to get weak again. I've gotten used to it; I've accepted that that's just the effect she has on me, and maybe I'll never be a hundred percent strong when it comes to Maine.

Today, I accompanied RJ to a fancy-looking store, brightly lit with classy yellow lighting and soft, soothing jazz music playing in the background. There were glass display cases lining the walls, all with sparkly, shiny objects in them. He spoke excitedly in hushed tones to an elegant-looking older man, dressed snazzily in a dark suit. The man gestured to a pretty young woman, who brought out a large velvet tray, and all three of them huddled together and seemed to study it intently. When we left the store, RJ had a small box in his pocket and serene smile on his lips.

I think—but I'm not sure—I've seen something like this happen in the movies before. I think—but I'm not sure—that RJ has a very important question that he wants to ask Maine soon. And I think—and of this I'm sure—that when he does, I'll be kissing the ground in gratitude again.

An excerpt from the Memoirs of Alden's Knee, aka his "pet."

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