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PROMPT #2: Share the most incredible thing Maine and Alden have ever seen in the most boring tone possible. --- For this prompt, I wrote two drabbles. We're only allowed to submit one entry per prompt, so the second one is just for fun :)



Alden and Maine fixed their globular organs on the throng of homo sapiens occupying the circular enclosed area designed to showcase theater, musical performances, and sporting events. They were feeling all sorts of affective states of consciousness (as distinguished from reasoning or knowledge.) They couldn't believe that they had that many people who have a strong interest in or admiration for a particular person or thing.

Alden took and kept a firm hold of the end part of Maine's arm beyond the wrist, which included her palm, fingers, and thumb, and led her backstage, waving his upper limb in a farewell gesture. Once there, he formed his features into a pleased, kind, or amused expression, with the corners of his mouth turned up and his front teeth exposed. He leaned closer to her and verbalized,


(Writer fell asleep)



You are boring

a hole into the back of my head

Burning my skin

with your stare

Why do you look at me

like I am the most incredible thing

you have ever seen?

You are boring

holes into the walls that I've built

Piercing through the heavy armor

I clothe myself in

to keep hurt and pain

from ever coming into contact

with my fragile heart

You are boring

in a way that isn't boring at all

And you have a way of laughing at my jokes

that makes me think I might not be as boring

as I thought I was, either

And it's fascinating to me how lately

My favorite daydream is of us sitting quietly

Together, hands intertwined

Just you and I, being boring

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