Fred - I

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Oh how I still laugh at how much you hated your name. In your words, it was extremely stuffy and not at all suited to you. Back when you were 8, you were adamant to have it changed on your birth certificate and all, but dad refused.

So being the little spoilt princess you were, you refused to talk to dad for a whole week. It took you eight chocolates and an increment to your bedtime to change your mind. Even then, you didn't respond to any other name than Georgie.

You were adorable as a child.

What happened when we grew up?

Your little chubbykins,


A/N: To clear up the confusion. (Thank you for pointing it out, it all seems crystal clear in my head.. )

Fred is dead. Georgie is alive.

(ooh that rhymed^. Maybe that's why JKR did it? :o)

So, as mentioned in the prologue, when they're upset (or emotional), they write letters and put it in a bottle. And that's what they're doing right now. Only now, they're writing it from their respective places. (Fred from Afterlife, Georgie from Earth). The letters can't won't reach the other (obviously, because they bury them!). The more you read it, the more sense it should make. Feel free to comment (and/or PM) if you want further clarification :)

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