♡ Chapter Two ♡

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"Hey what are you listening to?" asked Oli looking down at my IPod.

"Oh Parkway Drive, You know them?"

"Ya there good, What's your favorite song?"

"Probably the whole Deep Blue album."

"Ya that ones a bit rubbish, personally I like Horizons."

"Oh." I looked down at my shoes feeling uncomfortable.

"So what brings you to London?"

"Hmm what? Oh umm my dad lives there."

Oli was silent, so i figured he wanted me to go on.

"I have'nt seen him in 12 years."

"Oh." he said nodding his head

I'm really regretting continuing on with the conversation, I decided to just keep on listening to music to try to get him out of my already busy and worried head. I decided to listen to the new Bring Me The Horizon album. I put the album on shuffle and the first song that came on was Sleepwalking, I had already known this one from my friend Katlynne.


The seven hour flight was finally over, time to face my dad.

"Hey whats your number?"

I turned around to see Oli standing there with his phone in his hands.

"Maybe we can hang out while your here?"

"Oh ya um sure." I said

"You want to give me your number." he said still standing there with his hand reached out and his phone in his hand.

"Um ya here's my number." I said reaching out my hand, he gave me his phone and I quickly punched in my number.

Why would he even care to have my number I wondered, maybe he's just trying to be nice.


Sorry this Chapter was really short, I was just trying to get it done with quickly

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