One b-ball day done, one to go

29 8 4

Okay, so today I had to wake up at 6.

I knew that for a few days.

The camp is the Chris Hansen one, it's SUPER popular around the USA. Like, it's super high competition, so you either work your ass off or get crossed up big time.

I mean, I go to it once a YEAR.

There's other camps Chris Hansen does that I go to, but it's not competition like this shit. People come from freaking other countries. There's a few from Canada I know that.

So last night I put my electronics down around 8:50pm so I could get 10 hours of sleep. I was like "I'm gonna be HELLA READY!! LETS GO!"

Thirty minutes later, I was literally still laying there wide awake. Like, wtf?! My eyes were so heavy during the day, but NOW they don't wanna close?!

Omg. So I was like "Okay, I'll watch some anime for ten minutes." After ten minutes, which was 9:30, I was like "Okay, I'll go to sleep at 10"






STRAIGHT. Without a single break.

People have recommended me to watch it, and I was currently watching an episode of Tales of Symphonia again, and after I finished that episode, I scrolled down to see a recommendation, which was the first episode of Snow White. So I was like "You know, I'll give this ONE SHOT, and if I don't like the first episode I'm out."

Boi that went downhill. It was SO GOOD.

It was love at first sight when Zen looked at Shiriyuki or however you spell her name.

I was so into it, after every episode I was like "Okay just ONE more."

After 12 episodes my eyes FINALLY we're tired, and it was almost 2am.


I was just like ".....shit.....well, pray for my soul right now cause I'm getting less than four hours of sleep today...."

I wanted ten hours, I got three and a half.

BOI. I was hella scared today. Do you guy get jittery when you barely get sleep? That's me.

This morning I literally splashed ice cold water on my face to wake me up.

It sorta helped. Literally from when I woke up to when the coaches blew the whistle to start the camp I was praying dude.

I got SO LUCKY today. Like, God, Jesus or Arceus heard my prayers an sent me enough energy to get through today like a badass.

Thank you holy Jesus for Savin my ass today. Like, I KILLED it today. I was on my game, no joke.

It was a miracle. A goddamn blessed miracle when I needed it most.


I highly recommend watching the Snow White anime, it's SO GOOD.

I won't spoil the romantic part cause I flipped my shit when it happened. It's so cute how Zen is so protective an worried about her, I feel like I wanna cry.

BOI. I'm just feeling blessed today.

My Teenage girl Rant BookTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon