TWO: Captivated

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After Mark had left me at the hotel, I decided to head back upstairs to my room to unpack my suitcase. As I was going to be in LA for a whole month, I had a lot of clothes with me and I knew it was going to be a long and extremely dull task so I decided to Facetime Hailey as I worked my way through my bag.

"Hey, babe!" she smiled excitedly when her face appeared on my screen and I waved happily at her. "How's it going?!"

"Good, good," I said as I propped my iPhone up on the desk so I could use my hands to unpack. "I'm currently mega bored and needed someone to chat with."

"Oh, are you unpacking?" she asked me as she flopped down onto her bed and I nodded. "How was your flight?"

As I started hanging different items of clothing up in the closet, I chatted with Hailey about arriving in LA and my brunch with Mark. When I finally brought Kendall up, I noticed Hailey frowning slightly.

"That's weird she hasn't mentioned anything to me about a Calvin Klein deal," she told me. "I mean, we haven't been speaking loads recently but I bumped into her at a party here in New York last week. I would've thought she'd mention it then."

"Yeah, that's kinda weird," I replied. "I mean, it's kinda a big deal as well. It's a whole fucking campaign and everything!"

"Oh, God, Y/N, I'm sorry!" Hailey quickly appologised. "Congrats! You must be pumped!"

"I'm freaking out on the inside," I admitted childishly and Hailey laughed. "Mark also mentioned something else about Kris Jenner wanting to discuss me and Kendall getting to know each other better..."

"Oh, fuck," Hailey said and I smirked. "Sounds like you've got a PR stunt heading your way already!"

"Yeah, but I don't get it," I frowned as I started to fold my t-shirts into the draws in the cupboard. "I mean, why would they want me for the PR stunt?"

"I probably shouldn't be telling you this seeing as it's kinda on the down low and you don't know Kendall...," Hailey told me slowly and I stopped what I was doing and looked over at my phone to see that her face had gone serious. "Since Kendall and her ex, Julian, broke up, she's been a fucking nightmare, Y/N, and I'm not just talking about what you're like with your crazy parties and shit. I'm talking sleeping around, too much alcohol, even drugs and shit."

"Woah, Hails, are you serious?" I asked my friend as I picked my iPhone up and leaned against the foot of the bed and she nodded through the Facetime. "Fuck, I had no idea she was that messed up. That still doesn't explain why they want me, though."

"Because, Y/N, they can't have Kendall seen out with yet another guy. The media will just think it's her latest fuck buddy," Hailey explained and I nodded in agreement. "So, Kris probably wants you because you're a stable and established model in the industry. Despite your massive partying, bad girl reputation, you're always kind everyone you meet, fans and colleagues alike and even when you do kick off at the paps, it's for good reason."

Both of us couldn't help but laugh about my most recent trip to New York when I had shouted at a paparazzi for calling Hailey Justin Bieber's slut right in front of us.

"They probably just think you're a good influence on her image," Hailey finished once we had calmed down. "But that's just my opinion. See how it goes tomorrow and let me know what they say."

"Yeah, I will," I replied but just before I said goodbye I wanted to ask Hailey something. "Hey, Hails?"

"Yeah, babe?"

"Kendall's fully straight, right?" I asked quickly and a large, knowing smile broke out across Hailey's face as she looked at me through the phone.

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