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I stared at my bed that was covered in layers of tissue. Of course, this was unsanitary but I didn't care. All I wanted to do was curl up in my bed and let my heartbreak consume me.

With a slight sigh, I perched myself onto my bed and stared at the roof, trying to keep him out of my mind. Everything in this bloody house reminded me of him. The room smelt like him, his pictures were hung up on the wall and he's clothes were still in the closet.

I was dreading the day he'd come to get them because I was sure my heart would break even more then and there. If it broke anymore, I'd be as good as dead.

I started to clear my bed and dumped the tissues into the small bin in my room. It was our room before but now he was gone and I'd have to move on. I wasn't ready to.

My blue heeler puppy, Jax, ran into the room and jumped onto the bed. I stared at him with a small smile and sat down next to him. The covers radiated heat onto our skins and I shuddered.

The Australian weather was usually very hot so I'd made sure my windows were always open. These past few days, I'd sat in darkness, moping about my recent break up.

I'd never really felt that bad about breaking up with someone because I'd never really fallen in love with someone. Axel was different. He had that smile that immediately made me fall for him and he had a wonderful personality.

I thought everything was going well until he suddenly broke up with me, claiming that the spark had gone. I still felt the spark but I couldn't tell him that. I couldn't look like a fool.

Jax whined, moving his head more into my hand.I smiled and rubbed his brown fur before leaning more into the bed.

I knew that I couldn't mope like this forever. I needed to do something constructive.

With a loud breath, I forced myself off of my comfortable bed with Jax still in my arms. He had gotten bigger the past few weeks. Axel had definitely been feeding him something.

I set Jax down as soon as I reached the kitchen and looked around. A low curse left my lips as I realised that the house was clean. How was I going to distract myself now?

Before I could make a move to go back to my room, I noticed that Jax was trying to catch the string dangling up ahead. Letting out a breath of relief, I moved him aside and pulled the string down. I hadn't cleaned the attic in ages.

Coughing slightly from the dust, I climbed up the stairs and looked around the crowded attic. It would take ages to clean this all up but it would help me forget about Axel for the time being.

Slowly, I walked towards the large box in the back of the room and began to look through it. I instantly regretted it when I saw that it was filled with pictures of Axel, Jax and I. I didn't even know there were any of them in here.

I sat down, unable to look away from the pictures and began to look at them one by one. Each of them came with a painful memory but I didn't stop. Instead, I continued looking through the box before my hand hit something hard.

I peered into the box and my mouth fell open when I saw a MacBook sitting at the bottom of the box. I picked it up and blew off the dust at the top. I opened it and tried the power before cursing when it didn't switch on.

The fact that the battery was low made me wonder how long it had been in here. I shrugged off my suspicion and exited the attic, deciding that I'd deal with it later.

Procrastinating was always my biggest problem but I wasn't too wierd about it. I knew I'd get the work done sooner or later. Hopefully.

I sat down in the living room and plugged the laptop onto my charger before waiting for it to switch on. Jax curled up next to me and stared at the screen. I smiled at him.

Blue heelers were known to be brave and loyal. He had been with me for a year now and he'd grown onto me. If he wasn't with my right now, I would've locked myself in my room for good. The only time I'd ever come out was for food and tv. I hated the rest of the world.

Once the computer was on, I clicked one of the profiles and let out a small breath of relief when I found out that there was no password. After a few minutes of browsing the nearly empty laptop, I found a folder and clicked on it before my mouth opened in shock.

The folder was filled with a lot different videos and each one had the word entry in the title. I clicked the first one and found myself staring at myself as I sat on the beach, staring ahead. "You look beautiful," Axel's voice came from outside my peripheral vision.

I swallowed and the sound of his deep voice and pulled Jax closer to me.

In the video, my head moved from the ocean to him and I smiled before a grown fell onto my face. "He's running again," I groaned before standing up and chasing after Jax.

"You can get him!" Axel yelled after me, letting out a loud wolf whistle.

I quickly shut the computer screen and placed it on the coffee table. Hearing his voice was too much for me. With a small sigh, I stood up and stared at the MacBook.

I was going to continue watching the videos because as much as I hated to admit it, the temptation was too great.

I wasn't going to do it now though. First I needed to get myself together and that meant I'd have to talk to Axel properly.

To be honest, I wasn't looking exactly looking forward to it but I knew I'd have to do it as a way to clear the awkwardness between us.

Maybe I'd even find out why he broke up with me. Yes, that's right. He broke up with me without a proper explanation which made the pain increase. He didn't expect me to believe his shit excuse.

He was hiding something. I was sure of it and I intended to find out.

Yes, this chapter sucks but I'll work on it XD
Remember, its just for fun.

Tell me what you think and vote and comment ;) you know you want to.


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