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If someone told me weeks ago that Axel was going to break up with me, I would've laughed in their face and told them they were crazy. I would've told them that the love we had was greater than that. Now that I sat in my empty room with my knees curled up to my chest, I started to question if he even loved me back then.

I hated how much this break up had affected me but he was a big part of my life. I couldn't just move on. Jax was asleep next to me, his back rising slowly as he slept. I ruffled his head again and turned back to the laptop on my floor.

It had been sitting there for the about five hours and I still hadn't gotten the courage to look through. I switched it on and hissed when the bright light hurt my eyes. It reminded me of the cat I had before. It was the reason I had a dog now.

Slowly, I flicked through the videos until I found one that looked interesting. It was our second date on the boardwalk. With a sad smile, I switched on the laptop and began to watch, getting lost in the memory.


"You do know that I'm not getting you anymore food, right?" Axel asked as we weaved our through the crowd. I pouted at him and he smirked. We'd just left the burger stand and I had a churo in my hand. Nudging him in the shoulder playfully, I let my eyes scan the area.

We stopped infront of the ball toss and I immediately directed Axel away from the game. It was a known fact that men always lost their pride at those things. "You really love that camera," I noted, smiling. He smirked and ran a hand through his hair.

"You like biting your lip when you're thinking," He told me with a slight smirk and I blushed, turning to look at the ocean.

My mind wondered to where we had first met. We met at the Starbucks near the bakery I worked at. I was so engrossed in ordering supplies that I hadn't seen where I was going.

In the end, Axel had coffee all over his favourite shirt and I panicked immediately before muttering a stream of curse words and apologises. I'd expected him to get angry like any other bloke here but he didn't.

Instead, he just smiled and offered to buy me another coffee.

"Earth to Lydia," He waved his hand infront of my face and I blinked, giving him a small smile. He let out a breath of relief, "I thought I lost you for a moment,"

I moved the camera away and gave him a reassuring smile. He closed it and placed it into his pocket before wrapping his arm around my waist. I stared at the ocean, feeling safe with his arm around me.

Even after one date, I felt safe with him. We'd been texting since I'd dumped coffee on his shirt and he asked me out. Of course, I'd offered to pay since he bought me coffee before but in the end, we finally decided to split the cheque.

"It's about to start!" Axel suddenly squealed and I refrained from laughing. Instead, my eyebrows furrowed in confusion as he dragged me towards the water.

"What are you doing?" I asked, my eyes widening as the cold water touched my feet. Luckily, I'd taken my shoes off. With a slight chuckle, Axel stopped and turned to look up at the roof.

I followed suit and stared at the sky as well before jumping when a loud bang filled the air. I looked up and stared at the sky, smiling when I saw the fireworks up ahead.

Axel pulled me closer to him, his gaze still on the fireworks. I smiled and rested my head on his chest, enjoying the scent of his cologne and the sea air mixed together.

I stared down at his arm wrapped around me as the butterflies in my stomach increased. I smiled.

Where I was right now, was where I wanted to stay until the next morning. His warmth spread through my body and I let out a content breath. His hand suddenly tilted my chin up so that I was looking at him and he smiled.

"Does this top our first date?" He asked, smirking at me while his other hand moved to my waist. I nodded, not wanting to say anything. My stupid clumsy mouth would probably ruin the moment.

We were so close, I could feel his hot breath fanning my face. He leaned forward, his gaze moving to my lips and for a moment, the sound of fireworks disappeared.

"Thank you," I whispered, "For bringing me here. If you hadn't  brought me here I would've been binge watching suits on Netflix,"

He chuckled, "You and I both know you're not mature enough to watch suits,"

I rolled my eyes but blushed. "Fine," I muttered, "I would've been watching teen wolf,"

He smiled and brushed some of my brown hair out of my face. His eyes searched mine as he leaned forward again, this time connecting our lips into one of the most breathtaking kisses I'd ever had.

The fireworks around us had nothing on the ones we had as we held it each other. My heart beat heavily in my chest as I pulled him as close as I could.

When we finally pulled away, he smirked and ran a hand through my hair."You're not a shabby kisser,"He said with a slight head nod.

I nudged his shoulder and laughed. "You're not too bad yourself," I answered, leaving my arms around his neck. A shiver suddenly ran through my body and I looked down, letting out a small squeal before racing out of the water.

"Shit that's cold!" I shouted as soon as my feet were on the sand. Luckily,the fireworks stopped the people around me from hearing but Axel did.

And as soon as he did, he fell into the ocean while laughing. I smiled at him.

His laugh was nice.


What did you guys think? Axel's a nice guy right? :D lol

This chapter is dedicated to stfumichelle for all her support towards this book! ILY


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