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I bent my head back, chugging down the bitter alcohol. Swallowing quickly, I looked around the house and let out a deep breath. "Blue,"I walked around, "Just like me,"

My phone vibrated and I rolled my eyes. Maybe it was my mum checking up on me for the hundredth time this week. With a slight chuckle, I pulled out my phone and frowned, before answering the call. "Are you busy?" Axel asked. I winced, feeling my heart break at the sound of his voice. I let out a deep breath and nodded.

"I'm busy," I told him quickly. I was slightly drunk and I didn't want him to find me like this. I didn't want him to know I missed him.

Before he could answer, I cut the call and slowly walked to my room before diving onto my bed. While looking up at the roof, I  realised that I couldn't cry anymore. All I could do now, was wait for myself to heal.

It was taking so long.

Watching the videos probably wasn't helping but while watching them, I'd actually smile. Not a strained one like the ones I'd given my friends when they came to comfort me but a real smile.

I sat up and rested against the tower of pillows I had before pulling out the laptop. I quickly went to the third video and smiled. This time, I had the camera and Axel was smiling at me. Letting out deep breath, I pressed play.


"How does it feel to be on the other side?" I teased, looking up from behind the camera screen. Axel scrunched his nose up at me and shook his head.

"I don't know how you survive it," He said and I laughed before switching the camera off. The entire cafe smelled like, well coffee and I inhaled, smiling. My addiction to coffee was unhealthy and I knew that one day, I was going to suffer because of it.

The cafe was a small one with brown wooden walls, unlike the bubblegum blue ones at the bakery I worked at. It wasn't that busy since most people at home, trying to stay away from the cold.

I looked down at my plate and frowned when I saw that my cookie was gone. Quickly, my head snapped up and I noticed that Axel was chewing while looking around the cafe. Narrowing my eyes slightly, I leaned forward and he turned to look at me.

"Did you take my cookie?" I raised an eyebrow and he shook his head, brushing the crumbs from his face. "No,"he mumbled after swallowing.

I rolled my eyes at him and poked his shoulder. He smirked.

"I'll buy you another one," He stood up and smiled, "But first, you'll have to do one thing with me,"

I raised an eyebrow and stood up as well. He gave me a challenging look and I nodded. "What do you want me to do?" I asked, looking around the half empty store.

He started walking out of the store and I followed, my confusion not fading away. If he was getting me another cookie, why would he lead me away from the store?

Our town was a small one by the sea so I wasn't surprised when I was immediately hit with the sea air as soon as I set foot outside.
I paused to inhale the salty air with a small smile when I suddenly felt a tug on my arm. I opened my eyes and Axel smirked. "What are we doing?" I asked as he lead me past his car towards the main road.

"We're going to get your cookie," he said, "After we bake it of course,"

I scoffed. Axel and cooking were never words you put in the same sentence. He was so bad at anything cooking related, it was a wonder how he survived this long without burning his house down.

"You're going to bake?"I asked, raising an eyebrow while we walked. The sound of our footsteps got lost in the wind and I had to shout to make sure Axel heard me.

He nodded, "I have to learn. What if I'm given the chance to save the world by baking and I end up mucking it up?"

I stared at him, trying to think of a way to answer his question. He paused and waited for an answer. "What the hell goes through your mind all the time?" I asked, shaking my head at him.

He smirked, "You,"

I rolled my eyes at his cheesiness  as we continued walking. After a few more minutes of trying to push against the wind, we made it to the bakery and I unlocked the door. Luckily, my boss had allowed me to come here whenever I needed to.

She was a nice, old woman who believed that baking was a great way to relieve stress. I completely agreed with her as I baked whenever life was too much.

As we walked in, Axel's hand wrapped around my waist and he looked around at the blue bakery. The baked goods under the glass looked delicious and I took a deep breath before walking to the kitchen.

Before I could start looking for ingredients, Axel stopped me and smirked before leading me towards one of the tables. I frowned in confusion, "You said we-,"

He stopped me by placing a finger on my lips and pulling out a small red bag from underneath the table. He held it out to me and I took it slowly, looking in before smiling.

"I got lessons from Abigail," he said with a smile as I pulled out a large cookie. Underneath it, was a small box and I looked up at Axel, who shrugged nonchalantly.

With a smile on my face, I pulled out the box and opened it before smiling. It was a small rosebud necklace with a tiny diamond in the middle. "Surprise!" Axel smiled and I immediately jumped onto him and pulled him into a hug.

He laughed and hugged me back, his hands wrapping around my waist. With a tiny smirk, I unwrapped the wrapping around the cookie and took a bite out of it. "You didn't poison it right?" I joked and Axel rolled his eyes.

"Hopefully," he mumbled and let go of me before stealing a piece of the cookie."I deserve some after all my hard work,"

I smiled and sat on the table. Axel sat next to me and I rested my head on his shoulder.

Then and there was when I realised that I was in love with Axel. I swallowed hard.

Hopefully he had the same feelings.


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